1871 The Gentleman's Table Guide by E Ricket and C Thomas

_JHE celebrated American Soda Fonntains we recommend, having on several occa sions used them at private residences • for novelty and cleanliness they are unsurpassed! These fountains can be had on hire atavery trifling expense, and the expeditious manner inwhich they produce the greatvariety offruit drinks isasufficient guarantee for our introducing them to thenotice of our readers. Particulars onapplication to Messrs. E. &T., theAuthors, 115, London Wall, E.O. No. lOO.-GIN SLING. flSB a soda-water glass. Put 2 slices of lemon and 1 tablespoonful of powdered •JM .^pite sugar or candy, fill up with shaved ice; add 1 glass of gin; shake well, and sip through 2 straws.


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