1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)

116 Aerated Waters. Eochelle salts to the water in the lower globe. For the three-pint, use 6 scruples (2 scruples for each pint). Potash water—20 grains of carbonate of potash to each pint ofwater. Soda or Vichy—20 grains of bicarbonate of soda to each quart. Ginger Beer and Lemonade can be made with diluted syrup of ginger, or lemon, in a soda-water tumbler, and filled up with aerated water. Various German mineral waters, especially Seltzer, SchWalbacher Weinbrunnen, Fachingen are in great request—Seltzer pre-eminently : this is sometimes drunk either as a beverage by itself, or mixed with wine or brandy. It is sparkling and clear, and of a pleasant, slightly acidulated taste ; and it is pre- scribed, moreover, by the Faculty for many dis- orders, such as indigestion, &c. It contains chloride of sodium, bicarbonate of lime, soda and magnesia, carbonic acid, and a small quantity of iron. Schwalbacher Weinbrunnen is a ferruginous water, useful in cases of debility, and for the improvement of impoverished blood ; it contains bicarbonate of iron, magnesia, soda, lime, &c. Fachingen is an acidulated, gaseous, and alkaline water, used in gouty and nervous habits, dyspepsia, heartburn, &c, and is a pleasant and refreshing beverage. Effervescent Draught* —Carbonate of potash, 80

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