1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)

182 Cider Cups. and borage; herb the wine sufficiently to taste, and strain; mix and ice up; sweeten to taste; add 2 bottles seltzer water, and serve. No. 2.—Bottle of port wine ; pint of cold bishop (vide page 188), gill of Curacjoa, 2 bottles of seltzer water, 1 pint of shaven ice. No. 3.—Warm J pint of port wine with 2 oz. of sugar, add a little spice to taste; strain clear ; when cold, add bottle of soda-water. This is deli- cious and refreshing. Cider Cup a la JEnsor. —2 bottles of sparkling cider, J gill of Curagoa, J gill of brown brandy, ^lb. of sugar-candy; the juice strained, and the peel of 1 lemon rubbed on sugar; slice of cucumber; pour J pint boiling water on the candy when dis- solved and cool; add the brandy, cucumber, liqueur^ and juice; in a few minutes, add the cider and a quart of shaven ice; use immediately. No. 2.—Bottle of sparkling cider, bottle of spark- ling perry, pint of Chablis wine, liqueur-glass of citronelle or Maraschino, slice of cucumber, 2 bottles of potass water, pint of pounded ice; mix well; withdraw the cucumber, and serve. No. 3.—Bottle of cider, gill of dry sherry, slice of pine-apple, or 1 oz. guava or apple je]ly, a little balm and borage, sugar to taste, bottle soda-water;

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