1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)


Cider Cups.

macerate the herb in the wine, strain clear; add the flavouring and the cider; sweeten to taste; pour in on a lump of ice in a covered vessel; add soda-water just before using. No. 4.—Infuse in a gill of brandy, or whisky, 1 scruple of the essence of jargonelle pear (acetate of amyl), 2 desser.t-spoonfuls of guava jelly, or quince; slice of cucumber, if desired, for a cool taste ; quart of cider, bottle of perry, sugar to taste; add 3 bottles of lemonade or soda-water; ice up. No. 5.—1 bottle of cider, J pint green ginger wine, 2 bottles ginger beer, tablespoonful pounded sugar; mix in a jug containing a lib. lump of Lake ice. Cider Nectar (a la Harold Littledale), No. 6.— 1 quart cider, 1 bottle soda-water, 1 glass of sherry, 1 small glass of brandy, juice of J lemon (strained), \ of a lemon rubbed on sugar; sugar and nutmeg to taste; a sprig of verbena; flavour it to taste with extract of pine-apple ; strain and ice well. This cup well deserves all the praise it has received. No. 7.—Bottle of sparkling cider, \ pint of dry sherry, liqueur-glass of Curagoa, quart of shaven ice Cider Cwp {for a Gathering). —10 bottles of sparkling cider, 3 ditto sparkling perry, quart of rough cider, \ pint of lemon-juice (strained), pint of

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