1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)

200 American Sensations. porter, and J pint ale; the New York, J pint old ale, and J pint of new. Asses Milk. —J gill of rum ; bottle of aerated lemonade. Ale Posset, "Sir Walter Baleigh's"—Take \ pint of white wine (a dry sherry is best), \ pint good clear ale; add quart of boiled cream, flavoured with spices; strain through a tammy. This and treacle posset is a favourite remedy for colds, being a hot " night-cap/' Birthday Syllabub. —Juice of 2 lemons, J lb. of sugar, mixed in a bowl; add pint of sherry; grate in a nutmeg; add 2 quarts new milk; in serving, let the curd remain in the glass. Black Currant Drink. —J pint of juice, 1 quart weak green tea; sugar to taste. Black Stripe. —To a wine-glass of rum add 1 drop of pine-apple oil, and | oz. of molasses. This drink can be used with hot water, or snow ice. Brandy Champerelle. —Wine-glass of Ouragoa, wine-glass of brandy, wine-glass of bitters; mix with ice. Egg Flip. —Into a clean saucepan put 1 quart of good ale ; then beat up in a basin the yolks of 6 fresh eggs; into which grate half a nutmeg and Jib. of moist sugar, wine-glass of gin or whisky;

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