1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)

Wassail Bowl, 8fc. 201 beat up thoroughly well together; as the ale simmers, skim the froth off into a basin containing the mix- ture ; when the ale nearly boils (do not let it boil) pour it into the mixture, stirring the while. If you use the whites of eggs as well, only use 3 eggs. Lamb's Wool. —Roast 8 apples ; mash them, and add 1 quart of old ale; press and strain; add ginger and nutmeg (grated); sweeten to taste; warm, and drink while warm. Wassail BOVJI. —To 1 quart of hot ale add grated nutmeg, ginger, and cinnamon, of each J oz., and J bottle of sherry, 2 good slices of toasted bread, juice of 1 lemon, peel of same, and 2 well-roasted apples; sweeten to taste. Mulled Wine, —Into a stewpan put 3 bruised cloves, J stick of cinnamon, J peel of a lemon, 4 oz. loaf-sugar, J pint of water ; boil for a quarter of an hour; then add a little grated nutmeg, pint of claret, wine-glass of port wine; when nearly boiled, strain, either on toasted bread or otherwise. Wine Whey. —Boil 1 pint of milk; when boiled, add 2 glasses of sherry, rhubarb, or currant wine; when it again boils, draw from the fire; strain from curd, and sweeten to taste. Floster. —A gill of sherry, J gill noyeau, 1 oz. sugar, bottle of iced lemonade, |- pint of ice.

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