1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)

Mulled Wine, Sfc. 205 flavour, it is apt to impart it, and spoil the wine; boil the spices for a short time; add the sugar, when it is well dissolved, to the wine, which on no account let boil. In mulling wine with eggs, pour the boiling liquor on the eggs, stirring the while; if you pour the eggs into the liquor, the yolks will curdle. To Mull Wine. —Into a clean stewpan pour 1 pint of water; add J oz. of bruised ginger, cinna- mon, cloves, nutmeg, the spices most likely to pre- dominate ; cover up, and boil down to £ pint of water; then strain clear, and add Jib. of sugar and 1 pint of claret. Ditto, ft la Coleman. —Into 1J pint of water boil 1 Tangerine orange, and J oz. of cinnamon to a pint; strain with pressure; sweeten with J lb. of sugar; add pint of raisin or green ginger wine. Mulled Wine, with Eggs, —

First, my dear madam, you must take Nine eggs, which carefully you'll break; Into a bowl you '11 drop the white, The yolks into another by it. Let Betsy beat the whites with a switch, Till they appear quite froth'd and rich. Another hand the yolks must beat With sugar, which will make them sweet; Three or four spoonfuls maybe '11 do, Though some, perhaps, would take but two.

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