1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)


Miscellaneous Beverages.

Into a skillet next you '11 pour A bottle of good wine, or more; Put half a pint of water, too,

Or it may prove too strong for you: And while the eggs by two are beating, The wine and water may be heating; But, when it comes to boiling heat, The yolks and whites together beat. With half a pint of water more— Mixing them well—then gently pour Into the skillet with the wine, And stir it briskly all the time. Then pour it off into a pitcher; Grate uutmeg in to make it richer; Then drink it hot, for he's a fool "Who lets such precious liquor cool.

Red or White Currant Water. —1 quart of red or white currant juice, clear; add 1 gill of rasp- berry vinegar or syrup ; sweeten to taste; J gallon water ; ^ gill brandy. Black Currant, —Pint of juice, J pint green tea, J gill spirits ; sugar ; water to taste. Cherry. —Pound 21bs. Kentish cherries into a mass, stones and kernels; add juice of 1 lemon; pint of boiling water; sugar to taste. Spring Fruit — Boil 10 sticks of rhubarb; strain ; sweeten to taste. Raspberry and Strawberry. -—Pint of juice, gill of either syrup. Effervescing. —Put fruit into good vinegar (di-

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