1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)

Francatellis Punch. 215 Tea Punch. —Make an infusion of 1J- oz. mixed green and orange Pekoe tea, with a quart of boiling water ; strain clear as possible; place a bright metal bowl before the fire, so that it will become quite hot; "well mix 1 drachm of citric acid, 1 drop essence of neroli, lib. loaf-sugar, 1 pint of brandy, 1 pint of rum ; thoroughly mix ; put the mixture in the hot bowl, and set fire to i t; while burning, gradually pour in the tea; keep stirring, and serve while blazing. Yankee Punch, —Drop on each of 2 lumps of sugar 4 drops essence of vanilla, 2 drops essence of ambergris, which put into a bottle containing 1 pint of brandy ; when well digested, add to it 1 pint of lemon-juice, 1 pint of lemon syrup, J- bottle of port wine, 1 bottle Roussillon or Claret, dessert- spoonful of orange-flower water ; sweeten according to taste, and add as much water as required. Francatelli's Rum Punch. —Into a vessel hold- ing 2 gallons put 1 quart of brandy, 1 quart of rum, J pint of old arrack, J pint strong-made green tea, juice of 12 lemons, thin rind of 4 lemons, a nutmeg grated, stick of cinnamon (well bruised), 12 cloves (bruised), 30 coriander seeds (bruised), 21bs. pine-apple (sliced), 91bs. lump-sugar, 2 quarts boil- ing water ; stir together ; tie a bladder over top of

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