1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)

216 Punch. pitcher; let it steep undisturbed for two days; boil 2 quarts pure milk; add this to the other ingre- dients ; mix thoroughly; in an hour afterwards filter the punch through a clean tammy bag; when filtered, bottle off the punch, and cork down tight; keep the bottles in a good cellar. This is a truly excellent punch, but it should be iced for use. Billy Laivson's Punch. —Steep the thin paring of 1 lemon in ] gill of rum, 1 gill of brandy, J gill of arrack, | gill of brown stout; strain, and sweeten to taste; add 1 pint boiling water, with a little lemon-juice. Trinidad Punch. —In 1 pint of rum digest 1 oz. chocolate, J stick vanilla; when well incor- porated, strain; add 2 pints cocoa-nut milk. This punch can be used either as a cool cup, with ice, or hot. Mississippi Punch. —Wine-glass of peach brandy, wine-glass of arrack, peel and juice of 1 lemon, wine-glass of rum; sugar to taste; quart of shaven ice. Vauxhall Souvenir Punch. —Pint of sherry, J pint of mock arrack, a little essence of lemon, rubbed on sugar; add a3 much water, or weak tea, as desired; sweeten to taste. Roderick Random, or Bumbo Punch. —Grate a

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