1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)

Regent's Punch, 217 nutmeg into 1 pint of rum; let it digest two days; strain; add pint of water; sufficient sugar to taste. Brandy Punch. — An American Sensation. — Tablespoonful raspberry syrup, mixed with 1 gill of water, and 2 tablespoonfuls of white sugar; juice of ^ lemon and 1 orange, strained; add slice of pine-apple and 1 gill of brandy; fill the tumbler with shaven ice. Ruby Punch. —Dissolve in 3 pints of weak green tea lib. of sugar; add strained juice of 6 lemons, 1 pint of arrack, and 1 pint of port wine; sweeten to taste. Russian Punch. —Same as Ruby; but use gill of Kiimmel instead of the arrack and wine. Vanilla. —Infuse a stick of vanilla in J pint of pale brandy; when sufficiently flavoured, strain; add a sherbet of lemon-juice and sugar; fill the tumbler with shaven ice, and use straws. Royal Punch. —1J pint of green tea, J pint of brandy, J pint of pine-apple rum, ditto Curacjoa, ditto arrack, juice of 2 lemons (strained), the peel of 1 rubbed off on sugar; warm, and add 1 gill of hot calves-foot jelly ; serve hot. Regent's Punch. —Bottle of sparkling champagne, bottle of hock, gill of dry sherry, gill of pale

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