1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)

21S Punch. brandy, \ gill of rum, gill of lemon-juice, \ gill of Curagoa, quart of green tea, bottle of seltzer water; sugar to taste; ice to the utmost. Guy's Punch. —Rub the outside of 3 citrons and 3 lemons with a lump of sugar till all the essential oil is absorbed; in a stewpan put 6 cloves, 1 stick of vanilla, 2 sticks of cinnamon (well bruised together); add lib. of sugar and 1J pint of hot water ; simmer for six hours ; strain with pressure; add the clear juice of 18 lemons, and complete the sherbet with a strong infusion of green tea; add the oleo-saccharum, and equal proportions of pale brandy and pine apple-rum, according to strength desired. Ponche a la Parisienne. —Boil in |- pint of water lib. of sugar; when it comes to the thread, add the oleo-saccharum of 1 lemon and juice of 2, 1J pint of brandy, and j ,pint of rum; let this heat, but not boil; pour it into a hot bowl; set fire to it; stir it well, and pour into glasses while blazing, Henry Knight's Punch. —Quart of tea, J pint mock arrack (Vauxhall nectar), gill of brandy, juice of 2 lemons, thin peel of one, gill of Scotch whisky, and tablespoonful of apple or quince jelly; mix, and drink hot. Orbell's Punch. —Drop 1 drop each of essence of cinnamon, pimento, cloves, ginger, neroli, and nut-

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