1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)

Gin Punch. 219 rneg on a piece of sugar; digest this in a gill of rum ; add pint of sherry, pint of port, and juice of 2 lemons; sugar to taste; water as may be desired. Imperial Punch. —Cream of tartar 2 oz., juice and peel of 2 lemons, 6 quarts of water, J pint pine-apple rum. Orange Punch. —Strain the juice of 6 (St. Michael) oranges; rub sufficiently off the rind of a Seville (or Mandarin) orange to impart a pleasing flavour; add 1 drop of essence of neroli, pint of brandy, pint of orange-shrub; sweeten to taste, and add as much liquor as desired. Apple Punch. —Into a jug lay slices of apples and lemons alternately; strew between each layer some powdered sugar-candy; pour over them a bottle of either Claret, Chablis, or Roussillon, and J gill of brandy; in four hours strain, with pressure. Essence of Punch. —The oleo-saccharum of 2 Seville oranges and 1 lemon ; mix with the strained juice of 2 lemons and 2 Seville oranges; add 5 oz. loaf or barley sugar. Into a jar put 1 bottle of brand}", J bottle of rum, |- ditto of shrub, and 1 pinch of flowers of benzoin when well amalgamated; mix together when required for use; add liquor as desired. Gin Punch a la Garrick. —Rub the ambrosial

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