1872 The Gentleman's Table Guide (2nd edition)
The Gentleman's Table Guide.
No. 86.-APPLE TODDY. a tumbler. One tablespoonful of powdered sugar or candy, 1 wineglass of orange or peach brandy, half a baked apple; fill the'glass two-thirds full of boiling water, and grated nutmeg on the top. No.87.-EGG NOGG OR AULD MAN'S MILK. a soda-water glass or small silver cup. One tablespoonful of powdered sugar dissolved in a tablespoonful of cold watei', 1 new laid egg, well whisked; wineglass ofbrandy, half do. ofrum,fill the tumbler quarter full of milk; small quantity of shaved ice; shake all well together; grated nutmeg on top. No. 88.-BURNT BRANDY AND PEACH. ^HgSE a tumbler. One wineglass of brandy, half a tablespoonful of powdered sugar or candy; set tire to the brandy and sugar in a saucer, put 2 or 3 slices of dried peaches in the glass, and pour your liquor over them. No. 89.-YARD OF FLANNEL. gj^^UT a quart of Scotch ale in a clean saucepan on the fire, bring it just to a boil; take a ^ mug and whisk up 4 new laid eggs and the whites of 2, add 4 tablespoonsful of sugar and a little nutmeg by degrees, whisking all the time
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