1874 The American Bar-Tender or The Art and Mystery of Mixing Drinks by E A Simmons

OR, TRK art of JIIaING drixks.


amour saxs fin. Tako S drops of otto of ro.ses. 13 drops oil ofncroli, 13 drops oil of cloves—dissolve in a quart of pure spirits of wine, and while dissolving assist the process byagitating theliquor. Then filter clear. Add this to 7 pints of clear syrup, and color with cochinoah CHERRY BR.VNDY, No. 1. Bruise 3lbs. of black cherries(wild ones preferable), crack ing the stones—putthe mass into a jar, with a few young cher ry leaves. Add 3 pintsof brandyor pure spirit—in 3 months strain off —add2 Ib.s. of clear sugar, after which it will be ready for use in a week. CHERRY BRANDY, No. 2. Into a stewpan put8 lbs. of clean picked cherries, viz:7lbs. of black and 1lb. of red ; let this stand on a hot plate, taking the precaution not '... let the juicu burn. When well done, strain offthejuice through a bag, add 1 lb. of sugar to every 3 lbs. of hiico—give the juice and sugar a boil up—when cool, add equal quantities of brindy and ju'ce. CHERRY BRANDY, No. 3. To each pint of brandy add 1 lb, of Morello cherries, 1-2 pint of the expressed juice of small black cherries, 3 bruised bitter almonds, 1 lb. jf bruised sugar candy. Will be ready foi use in two months. CARRAWAY BRANDY. Steep 1 oz. of carraway seeds(bruised) in 1 pint of brand-. In one week strain. Add G oz. ofloaf sugar. CURRANT BRANDY— Black or Red.—Take 1 quart of black or red currants, and fill up with 1 quart of brandy. In two monthsstrain, and add sugar to tastck

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