1874 The American Bar-Tender or The Art and Mystery of Mixing Drinks by E A Simmons

EUVS Collection The American Bar-Tender includes the first instance of the beer-less, shaken drink called a 'Flip'



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rAxiaoxic, fieemex\<,tolixical,loteks', sroMXixa, exo.


Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1874, by ADVAKCE PUBLISHING COMPANY, in the office of the Libnrriau of Congress, at Washington.


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Preface, - - - - - - - - - - C CocKTAiL-s—Brtindy, Fancy, Whiskey, Champagne, Gin, Japanese, Jersey, . . . . . . 7 Toddts—Apple,Braiuly, Whiskey, . . . . B SiJNGS—Branily, Hot Whiskey, Gin, - . - . I Flips—BranJy, Whiskey, Gin, - - - - 8 Juleps—Mint, Brandy, Whiskey, Gin, . . . 8 Smashes—Brandy, Gin, Whiskey, - - . . . 9 Cobblers—Sherry, Champagne,Catawba, . . . 10 Fixes—Brandy, Whiskey, Gin, . . . . . 10 Sours-Brandy, Santa Crnz, Whi.skey, Egg, Gin, . 10 Punches—Brandy, Whiskey, Gin, Sherry, Claret, Saut. erne, Curacoa, . . . . . . . 12 Brandy Champerelle, . . . . . . 13 Tom AND Jerrx—Batter for ; How to Make, . . 13 Knickerbocker, . . . . . . . . 13 Scotch Whiskey Skin, . - - ^ - - . . 13 Stone Fence, . . . . . . . . . 73 Rliiiie Wine and Seltzer Water, . . . . . n Hot Spiced Rum, - . - . - . . . 11 Straiohts-Brandy, Gin, - . . - .. . l< Stonewall,. - . . - . . . . . ]| Sh-wry and Egg, . . . . . . . ]l LEMoNADE--Plnin,Orgeat, - . . . . J1 Soda Cocktail. . . . . . . . . n Rum and Sugar, - - - - . . . . 11 Shandy Gaff, . . . . . . . . . l-i Porteree, . . . . - . . . . . 1.7 Pousse Cafe, . . . . . . . . . 13 Aerated Waters—Soda, Aerated Chalybeate, Carbonat ed Lime, Lithia, Magnesian,Potas3, Seltzer; Gin- ger Beer, Sherbet, Siedletz Powders, Soda Water, Powders, Chalybeatcd Powders,- . 15, Itl, 17, 1"


Refeioep.ant Drattohts.—Lemon SUcrlict, Omngo Sbcrbot, Aerated Lemonade, Magnesia Lemonade, Lemon Syrup,Lemon Shrub, - - - - - 8, ^9 Liqetiees, Coediaes,&c.—Arrack, Gentian Spirit, Gold- ■wasser, Kummel, Chartreuse, Noyeau, - 19, 20, 21 Imitations.—Ratafias, Cremes, Huilea, . . . 21,22 SvRui'S,—To Color, To Filter, - - - - - 23,24 Imit.ated Liqeuees, &o.—SiTty-fivo Pifferent Kinds, 2G to 34 Riiteb Drinks.—Wine Bitters, Brandy Bitters, Essenco of Bitters, . - - - - - - 35, 30 Malt Liquors—Beer, Ale, Brewing, Ac. - - 37 38 39 40 Aeilated Beer—Ginger Beer, 7 kiud-s. Spruce Beer, 2 kinds, IVhito Spruce Beer, Sarsaparilla Boer, Molasses Beer, - - - - - - - - 44, 42, 43 Refrigeration, Ac., - - - - - - 44, 45, 40 Wines—French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 Toasts—Politic.al, Soldiers and Sailors, Lovers, Patriotic, Firemen's, Miscellaneous, Friendship, Sporting, 51, 65, 67, 70, 77, 80, 94, 96

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The first object of tliis work is to toll ifiaiuly nnd accurately tbo best and favorite methods of concocting or mixing nil the various kinds of Popular, Eofrcsbiug and Delicious Drinks whicb a Bar-Tender may bo called upon at any moment to rrx for a Customer of taste. In all cases the ingredients should bo of the best quality, and the "mixing" should bo executed with all that caro,rap idity and gracefulness, so cUaracteristio of that deservedly popular class—THE Axieuica:! Bau-Tendeks. Those diroc- tioiLS can bo relied upon as accurate; a,s they have been thoroughly examined, revised and added to by Mr. E. A. SnuAioNS, so long favorably known as having charge of the Wine Department of FitENcn's fiimous Ilotcl, fronting on City Hall Park. The portion of this work devoted to the subjects of Wines, Liqtjoes and Cia.ins will also merit close attention ns it is well considered and entirely reliable.

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1. BHANDY COCK-TAIL. Ubk SoDi Glass.—3 dashe.s of gum syrup; 3 dashes of Boter's Bitters: 1 wine glass of brandy; 2 dashes of Curagoa. fill one-third full of ice, and stir with a spoon. Strain in a cock-tail glass. Twist piece of lemon peel over the cook-tail and allow the peel to rest on edge of the glass. 2. FANCY brandy COCKTAIL. This drink is made the same as the Brandy Cock-Tail, ei- «ept that the edgo of the glass is moistened with lemon, and one side been dipped in fine .sugar. 3. "WHISKEY COCK-TAIL. 3 dashes of gum syrup; 2 dashes of Bokar's Bitters; 2 dashes of Curagoa; one glass of whiskey. Fill one-third full of fine ice. Stir with spoon, and strain in fancy wine glass; serving lemon peel as in brandy cock-tail. 4. CHAMPAGNE COCKTAIL. 1 bottle of wine to G large glasses; in each glass 1-2 tea spoon full of sugar; I or 2 dashes of Boker's Bitters, 1 piece of lem on peel; one piece of ice, and fill balance with wine. Half pony of brandy in each glass. Stir with spoon and serve. 6. GIN COCK-TAIL. 3 dashes of gum syrup; 2 dashes of Boker's Bitters; 1 glass of gin, 2 dashes of Curagoa. Arrange lemon peel same as for gin cock-tail. Fill one-third full of fine ice. Stir with spoon; strain in cock-tail glass. 6. JAPANESE COCK-TAIL. 1 table spoon full of orgeat syrup; 1-2 tea spoon full of Boker's Bitters; 1 glass of brandy; 1 piece of lemon peel. Fill the tumbler one-third with ice, and stir well with a spoon. 7. JERSEY COCK-TAIL. 1 tea spoon full of sugar; 2 dashes of Boker's Bitters. Fil! tumbler with cider, and nii.v well. Lemon peel on top.



Smixl Glajss.—2 pieces white loaf sugar; fill glass half full of boiling water and dissolve sugar in same; 1 glass of cider brandy; 1-2 of a baked apple. Grate a little nutmeg on top. 9. BE.4.NDY TODDY. 1-2 tea spoonful of sugar,1 table spoonful of water.1 glass of whiskey, 1 smalllump of ice. Stir with a spoon. Nutmeg on top. For Hot Brandy Toddy, omit the ico and use boiling water. 10. V.'HISKEY TODDY. 1-2 tea spoonful of sugar; 1 table .spoonful of water; 1 glass of whiskey, 1 small lump of ice. Stir with a spoon. Nutmeg on top. 11. BRANDY SLING. Small Gi,.iss.—The Brandy Sling is made the same way as the Brandy Toddy, merely adding .small slice of lemon. 12. HOT "WHISKEY SLING. 2lumps ofloaf sugar; fill the tumbler one-third full of boil ing water, and dissolve sugar. Wine glass of whiskey. Grate a little nutmeg on top. Small slice of lemon. 13. GIN SLING. The Gin Sling is made the same as the Whiskey Toddy. 14. BRANDY FLIP. 1 egg beaten very thin; 1 tea spoonful of sugar; 1 glass of brandy. Mix with fineico;strain in small glass. Nutmeg on top. 15. WHISKEY FLIP. The Whiskey Flip is made the same as the Brandy Flip, using Whiskey instead of Braudy. 16. GIN FLIP. Tho Gin Flip is made the same as the Whiskey Flig, using Gin instead of Whiskey. EGG OR SHERRY FLIP. Egg or Sherry Flip is made tho same as Brandy FJip, using Slierry instead of Brandy. 17.' MINT JULEP. 1 table spoonful of white sugar;2 1-2 table spoonfuls of wa ter; mix well with o spoon. Take 3 or 4 sprigs of fresh Mint, and press them well in the sugar and water until the flavor of tho mint i.s cxlr.ictud—add ono and a lailf glass of wlnskey.and fill the glass with Cue shaved too, then draw out the sprig," of

OK, HOW '10 MIX HIUNKS. f mint and insert them in the ice ■nith the stcmB aowr^vaTd, so that the green leaves will bo above in the shape of a bouquet, arrange berries, and .small pieces of orange and pineapple on top. Sprinkle sugar on top, and serve with straws. 18.t BK.^NDY JULEP. The BrandyMulep is made the same as the klint Julep, using Brandy instead of Whiskey, and dashing with Jamaica Kum. 10. AVHISKEY JULEP. The Whiskey Julep is made the same a-, the klint Julep. 20. GIN JULEP. The Gin Julep is made the same as the Whiskey Julep, using Gin instead of Whiskey. 21. BE.-i.NDY ,SMASH. Use Soda Glass.—1 tea spoonful of powdered sugar; 1 ten spoonful of water; 3 sprigs of mint,extract flavor; 1 wine glassof Brandy Fill tumbler half full of fine ice, and stir well with spoon. Strain in fancy glass. Insert one sprig of mint, and smaU piece of pineapple. 22. GIN SMASH. The Gin Smash is made the same as the Brandy Smash, Gin instead of Brandy. 23. WHISKEY SMASH. The Whiskey Smagh is made the same as the Gin Smash, using Whiskey instead of Gin. 21. SHERRY COBBLER. 2 glasses of Sherry; 1 table spoonful of sugar, small piece of lemon peel. Fill a tumbler with shaved ice, shake well and ornament with berries. Slice pineapple and orange; dash with port wine; put sprig of mint in centio. Place 2 straws m the tumbler. 25. CHAMPAGNE COBBLER. 1 tea spoonful of sugar; 1 piece each of orange and lemon peel. Fill the tumbler one-third with shaved ice, and fill the balance with wine; ornament with berries. 26. CATAWBA COBBLER. Use Soda Glass.—1-2 table spoonful of powdered sugar; fill glass two-thirds with fine ice; balance with Catawba. Stir well with spoon, and ornament with berries and fruit of the ■oASou. Serve with straws.



27. HOCK COBBLEE. This drink is made the same as the Cutawba Cobbler. Using Hock instead of Catawba. 28. CLAEET COBBLER ; On PUNCH. This drink is made thesame as the Catav.ba Cobbler. Using Claret IVine instead of Catawba. 29. SAUTERNE COBBLfER. The same as a Catawba Cobbler. Using Sauterne instead of Catawba. 30. BRANDY FIX. 1 tea spoonful of sugar, half a glass of water, quarter of a lemon, 1 glass of whiskey. Fill the tumbler two-thirds full of shaved ice. Stir with a spoon,and strain in small glass. Put slice oforange or pine apple on top. 31. WHISKEY FIX. 1 tea spoonful ofsuger, liulf a wine glass of water, quarter of a lemon,1 glass of v.hi4:cy. Fill the tumbler two-thirds full of shaved ice. Stir well with spoon, then strain in small glass. 82. GIN FIX. 1 table spoonful of sugar, half a wine glass of water, quarter of a lemon.1 gUssof gin. Fill the tumbler two-thirds fuU of shaved ice. Stir with spoon,and then strain in small glass. 33. BRANDY SOUR. The Brandy Sour is made the same as the Brandy Fix. 34. SiANTA CRUZ SOUR. ™ade the same as the Brandy Sour. Using St. Croix Rum instead of Brandy. Tin,- "WHISKEY SOUR. Usinff ^*^^6 Brandy Sour. ing Whiskeyinstead of Brandy. - . , , 30. EGG SOUR, JtiiM ofone lemon, 1 table spoonful of powdered sugar,4 smaU lumps ofice 1 enr, ov, i n fcwucrca e.-o . on top. Imbibe throuSstraw "'

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38 BBANDT PUNCH. •Tiiico of linlf n b-.-wi ov largo lime, 1 wins glass of brandy, 1-4 wiuB-glass of Jamaica rum,1 tablo spoonful of powdered sugar. Fill glass with shaved ice, stir wsll with spoon, and ornament with fruit iu seasou. Imbibe through straw. 39. WHISKEY PUNCH. The WhishoyPunch is made the same as the Brandy Punch. Using Whiskey instead of brandy. Omitting the rum. 40. GIN PUNCH. The Gin Punch is made the same as the Whiskey Punch. Using gin instead of whiskey. 41. SHEBBY PUNCH. 2 glasses of sherry; 1 tablo spoonful of sugar; 1 slice of lem on; 2 slices of orange. Fill tumbler with shaved ice, and or nament with berries. I.ubibc through a straw. 42. CL.AKET PUNCH. 1 tablo spooaful of sugar; 1 slice of lemon or half of a lime. Fill the tumbler with fine ice, and then fill with claret. Stir with spoon. Ornament with berries and fru'.t. 43. S.YUTEBNE PUNCH. The same as Claret Punch. Using sauterne instead of the claret. 44. VANILLA. PUNCH. 1 table spoonful of sugar; 1 glass of brandy;the juice of half a lemon. Fill the tumbler with shaved ice. Stir with spoon. Ornament with one slice of lemon,1 of orange,1 of pins apple. Flavor with a few drops of vanilla extract. 45. CUB.ACOA PUNCH. 1-2 tablo spoonful of sugar;1 glass of brandy; 1-4of a glass of Jamaica rum; 1-2 a pony glass of Curaeoa;(he juice of h.alf a lemon. Fill the tumbler with shaved ice. Stir with spoou. Ornament with siraw.



46. ROMAN PUNCH. 1 table spoonful of sugar; 1 table spoonful of rasbperry syr- up; 1 table spoonful of Curagoa, half -wino glass of Jamaica rum;a Wmo glass of brandy;the juice of half a lemon. Fill the tumbler with shaved ice ; stir with spoon; dash with port iWiue, and ornament with fruits. 47. MILK PUNCH. 1 table spoonful of sugar, 1 glass of cognac brandy, half a glass of Santa Cruz rum;one-fourth of a tumbler oficc. Shake well, and grate a little nutmeg on top, 48. HOT MILK PUNCH This Punch is made the same as the foregoing, with the ex- ception that hot milk is used and no ice, 49. NATIONAL GUARD SEVENTH REGIMENT PUNCH. 1 table spoonful of sugar; the juice of half a lemon; 1 cl.iss of lemon; 1 glass of Catawba wine. Flavor with manl,' syrup. Fill the glass with ice. Mix thoroughly with a Ornament with fruit of sesaon. spoon. 50. ST. CHARLES PUNCH. 1 table spoonful of sugar; 1 glass of port wine- 1 brandy; the juice ofone-fourth of a lemon. Fill the t°°ni°" .W.1 8.1,,1.1,.p„o„, ' 51. EGG NOG. Hse Soda Tumbleh.—1 Raw Egg well beaten-1 w- of BranOy; 1-2 wine-glass of Jamaica Rum;3 or4 RMmlTn^ o ice, - table spoonful of powdered sugar; fill I,[ nutmeg on top, and serve with straws. .r,,. ,. , . HOT EGG NOG. This drink 13 made the same as the Cold Egg Nog ah except that you must use boiling mUk and no ice ® l ie . SANGAREE. l-a ghiss of port wine; 1 tea spoonful of simar Pn, tumbler two-thirds full of ice, and shake well; slram i!f glass, and grate nutmeg on top.



64. BRANDY CHAMPERELLE Shaix SHE1.RY GI.A8S. Cue-third Brru.dy;oue-third Bittors; ono-tbird Curaeou. Thisis the groat French cafe drink. 55. BATTER FOR TOM AND JERRY. VJSE Labgb Bom.-Take ti.o whites of 30 thick and white assnow. Beatthe yolks seperately. ^" as liquid-then mil with powdered sugar nntil it becomesofthe consistency of dough. Then mix both together, and your bat- ter is ready for use. 56. TOM AND JERRY.. 1 table spoonful of prepared batter; 1-2 glass Jamaica Rum^ 1-2 glass St. Croixrum. Fill cup with boding water. Use two cups to mix with, throwing from one to the other until y have a nice foam. Sprinkle nutmeg on top, and serve. 67. KNICKERBOCKER. 1-2 a lime or lemon;squeeze out the juice, and put rind and juice in the glass,2 table spoonfuls of raspberrysyrup;1 gla^ St. Croixrum;1 tea spoonful of Curagoa;1 tea spoonful ofsu gar. Fill with ice and then shake up well. 58. WUISKEY SKIN. 2lumps ofcut sugar; 1 1-2 wine glas.s of boiling water. Dis solve the sugar,and add 1 wine glassof whiskey. Servo with lemon peel on top. 59. STONE FENCE. i.xii4k,\ss.—1 glass of apple whiskey; 2 or 3 lumps of loe. Fill up the glass with sweet cider. 60. RHINE WINE AND SELTZER WATER. Fill a Bar Glass half full of Rhine Wine and balance with Seltzer Water. 61. 'ALF AND 'ALF. Use AuEGnABS.—This drink is made by using half Porter and liulf Alo,



62. HOT SPICED RUM. 2lumps of sugar,dissolred iu 1 1-2 wine glasses of boiling water; 1 glass of Jamaica rum;1-2 tea spoonful of mixed spi cua.l piece of butter. 63. BR.AHDY straight. Put a piece of ice in tba tumbler, aud baud to your custom* er with the bottle of brandy. 61- GIN STRAIGHT. Same as Brandy Straight, substituting Gin for Brandy. 65. STONE WALL. 1 glass of Cognac Brandy; one-third of a glass of fine ioa. Ill UD With nloi'n or,.!.. Fil up w p ai soda.

66. SHERRY AND EGG. Shaui, Glass. 1 egg, i ghigg of Sherry. 67. SHERRY AND BITTERS. 1 dash of Bitters; 1 ofSherry.


1lemon;! 1-2 table spoonful of a luiuuri,! i-afl inoie Rpooillul of


with water. ShakTwe"a"

^ell, ud ornament with fruit

orgeat LEMONADE.

A wine glass of Orgeat H the tumbler oue-third full Shake well and

well, ornament with'wries.' 70. SODA COCKTAIL.

balance with water.

1 tea spoonfulof ®"oUr,2dishes of Bitters;2or 3 lumps of ice. Pillthetumbler'wi^h Id '®' n lemon peel on top. ' spoonj=nd put

shandy gaff.

Half Ale; tho oth.-^r ]..d.r qi.,

iji.igcr Ale.





- spoonfull of powdered sug^r,1 table spoonful of water, , -1 1 1 1 - Pnrfpr Stir witK spoon and serve with 1 bottle Philadelphia Porter, our w nutuieg out-'p. POUSSE CAFE. This drink is to be mixed with great care, so as to have each cordial show scperately when placed before the customer. 1 tea spoonful of gum syrup, 1-2teaspoonful w 1 f ^ Mnri^chino,1 tea spoouful of Curagoa, 1 tea tJa spoonful of Kummel.2 tea 1 tea Brandv. Each cordial to be drop- spoonfuls of the best Uognac ui . . , . ped from the end of a spoon to preventintermingling.

lEElTED WiTEBS. SHEEBETB. a=0. SODA"WATER i j lu A terl Draushts owe their effervescence to carb- And other era d r quest during hot OHIO aid gas y ^ feverish condition of the hu- weather to allay ^^^ated. Mineral waters rS'irS sulphurous. aerated GHAL"n3EATE WATER Contains pro-sulphate of iron, and bicarbonate of potasca




equal tonic propeaie.srrhriti"til

fPuiMof carbouate''ofT Z'^'"''

eonlaininR 8 or 10

tlio bonystructure.

administered to strengthen


LITHIA ivater




popular, being useful in calcnlous coni-

T<..,c„f , n n . ^i^^nesian Boater useful in ini(iif>Acfir»ri f» v, • bonate of magnesia ff' '

°1 ear-


" an agreeable mode of taking magne

ts a c^i »• POTASS WATER aerated with"viLted''''k""'''® cashed carbonic acid ga.s. Is prone 1 - . • WATER 'li.stilled watM^

'^'■ya'aUized carbonate of soda, in carbonic acid gas, upon ol Iliia article mainly de- " l^'shly important

the purity of which i, ponds. MTien emnl to obtain this article plr"'

Is carbonate of soda necessary to Usa [In orde t '


carbonate of magnesia. properly, it is absolutely

and the water must aerating and bottling machine, Ms, of the purest quality'^'!! ^'"^I'onic acid gas and chemic- and specially prepared ] ' excellent

Can be


soda-water tumbler and srT ^

S'uger, or lemon, in a • '"^1 filled up with aerated water.





Various mineral waters are in great request— Seltzer pre-emi- neutly • this ia sometimes used eitliei as a beverage by itself, or miie'd with wine or brandy. It is sparldiug and clear and of a very slightly acidulated taste; and it is prescribed more over by the medical fraternity for many disorders, au.di as indigestion, &o. It contains chloride of sodium, bicarbonate of lime, soda and magnesia, carbonic acid and a small quanti ty of iron, EFFEEVESCENT DKAXJGHT. Carbonate of potass 80 grains, pulverized citric acid 17 grains Keep sepcrate. When required for use, add 1 drop essence of lemon. Dissolve in seperate tumblers, mix, and driuk while effervescing. EFFEEVESCENT DEAUGHT, No. 2. Bicarbonate of potash in solution 1 scruple, fresh lemon juice, cleared, 4 drachms, water 1 oz. SHEEBET. Powdered white sugar 1 lb., carbonate of soda 2 oz., tartario aciddoz., essence of lemon 1 drachm, mix well with a tea spoonful of the powder a tumbler of cold water. Very refresh ing. A SEIDLITZ POWDEE. Eochelle salt 3 drachms, carbonate ofsoda 25 grains, tartaric acid 20 grains. Mix the salts and soda in a blue paper, with the acid in a white paper. This is sufficient for 1-2 a pint of water. SEIDLITZ POWDEES. Eoohelle salts 3 oz., carbonate of soda 1 oz. Mix, and put 2 drachms and 2scruples each in a blue paper, tartario acid i drachm, in each corresponding white paper. SODA-WATEE POWDEES. Bicarbonate of soda 30 grains, in a blue paper, citric acid 24 grains, in a white paper. Mix each seperately in nearly half a tumbler of water. Pour tho acid solution on the soda. Dripk iiQinediately.



CHALTBEATED. y addin^ 1 grairi proto-sulphato of iron to the acid, it be* comes a refreshing tonic. Refrigerent draught. ^ scruple,syrup oforange peel 1 drachm, 1 o nutmeg 1-2 drachm,distilled water 12 drachms, 1 table 'P n u oflemon-juice. Mix, and drink while effervescing,

lemon sherbet.

9 1 3lbs, carbonate ofsoda 1 lb., essence of lemon rac ms. Mix three drachms in each blue paper. Make M^^ny correispouding powders of 1-2 drachm of tartaric acid

ORANGE SHERBET. drZ^'ir^^ together 1 lb. of pounded sugar,2 dropsof neroli,6 if rfnn- orange peel, 1-2 oz. of citric acid. Aerata 1 'red, with carbonat of soda.

aerated lemonade.

boMinr^^ ^

®yrup, fill at the

diluted o f


aerated water. Some use a mixture of

is most T essence of lemon, and sugar; but the syrup is most refreshing and palatable. magnesian lemonade. erains^^M^'"^- grains, carbonate of magnesia 12 g m . Mix in tumbler of cold wster. A pleasant s li .

magnesian LEMONADE.

ic a^d L^o7 bottle for use.'

^ oz., bicarbonate ofsoda 1 oz., tartar- 'oaf sugar V2 oz. Put into a dry


lpmon syrup.

Oitric acid 1 1-2 druni, 4 oz., cold water! pint,

o^'emPh 10 drops, sugar


LEMON SYEUP, No. 2. Citric acid 2 1-2 oz., distilled water, 2 1-2 oz., tincture of lemon peel 5 1-2 drachms; syrup 3 pints. Dissolve the acid and lugar in the water, add the tincture. LEMON SHEUB. Juice of 12lemons thin rind o 2, 1 lb. ofloaf sugar, whites of 2 eggs well whisked, pint of water, 1-2 pint of rum, 1-2 pint of brandy. Strain when required.


AEE.t.CK. This is the name applied to all the spirits made in the East Indies. That which flows from the coaco-nut tree, and called toddy, is the best—the arrack made from rice and other sub stances is very inferior. Arrack is a clear spirit, and, when well aged, is peculiarly good. GENTIAN SPIEIT. This is much used by the mountaineers ef Switzerland—it is a bitter spirit distilled from gentian root. There are various Alcoholic productions which, although ranking as liqueurs or cordials, are very strong and seductive— Buch as Kirscbw"sser, Maraschino, Goldwasscr, Noyeau, and



many others, of which a description will be given. The differ- ence between Kirschwasser (cherry-water) and Maraschino (both being spirits distilled from the cherry, which fruit-is re markable for the number of favorite beverages it produces) is this: Kii-sch is distilled from bruised cherries, and is a pure spirit, while Maraschino is distilled from the pulp of the cher. ries, mixed with honey; honey is also added to the spirit after distillation. The best Marachino is made from the Marasca cherry, and is named do Zara, Imitation Maraschino is made by sweetening and flavoring Kirschwasser. Kirschwasser is a favorite drink with the Swiss and Germans. When this spiritis of good age, it is much pleasanter to the taste than whoa new. GOLDWASSER. This liqueur derives its name from pieces ofgold leaf floating in it. It is made principally in Dantzic, and is rectified with cinnamon, aniseed,and other aromatics. KUMMEL Ib the favorite liqueur of Russia ; the best is made at Weis- Benchein, in Esthonia. CHARTREUSE. This is a pleasant stomachicliqueur made bythe monks ofthe rand Chartreuse, near Grenoble. There are no less than four varieties of this liqueur:a pure spirit, which is ofa clear light green, and the bottle is incased in a turned wooden case—a ig'giccu, which is sweet and strong—an amber, which is not BO sweet—and the white port.


F 'l ^

^^°^n liqueur, of which the best comes from the India Island of Martinique, requires good ago,

emg much sought after, it is both scarce and expensive. And CURACOA, -

other compound liquouts, are mostly importations Donuioxk. The delicious Copenhagen Chep

om 0



cy Brandy, is made from tlia tmall black wild cberrioa bo plen tiful in Norway. These liqueurs and other exquisite concoctions are well known to the connoisseur, who, as ha passes the ambrosial fluid over his tongue(knowing that such delicious conceptions should bo sipped, not bolted), fully appreciates the exquisite pleasum his palate experiences as each peculiar and delicate flavor is brought out. Eor general purposes, the use of liqueurs is much abridged by reason of their excessive cost ; yet there are very many that can be successfully imitated. IMITATIONS. These imitations, may become, by judicious treatment and age, equal to the elaborate foreign production, at about one- third the cost. In making liqueurs, it is highly important to employ the ve ry best materials. IliO French liqueur-makers, who stand pre-eminsnt for their delicious cordials, only ompiloy the host materials. They also distinguish three qualities of comiiounds, viz: K.ATAFIAS, Or simple liqueurs, as Noyeau, Anisette Water,&o., in which tho spirit, sugar, and aromatic are in minute quantities. THE CEEMES, Or such choice liqueum as Maraschino, Dantzic, Goldwater, &o. THE OILS(HUILES), As fine liqueurs, containing a more syrupy consistence, as Curaqoa, Anisette. Bordeaux, Ac. There are two modes of making liqueurs, viz; by infusion and distillation. Most ofthem can be made by careful and judicious infusion, quite a.s well as by tho tedious process of distillation. For it is only when some objectionable flavor is present,in



tlie nature of an essential oil, that distillation i.s positively ne cessary. In making liqueurs, it is quite requisite to use greatcare and cleanliness throughout the operation, the principal materials used being clean spirit, distilled water, and pure white sugar. The neglect of either of these requisites will result in failure to produce a good article. The next, and a most important essential, is to guard against msing too much flavoring matter, or the injudicious comhiua- tion of discordant flavors. The inexperienced liqueur-maker being apt to underrate the power of some of the aromatics or essential oils. It is therefore better to use a little less than a little more, for the want can easily be supplied by the addition of any extra flavor required. If the compound is cloudy, do not use water, but a little spirit ; or clarify it. Never use any other, except so directed, than pure rectified spirit of wine. Gin, above all, should be avoided, on account of its pervad ing flavor. If the spirit of wine is too strong, reduce to the strength de sired with filtered soft water. Trebly-refined sugars should always be used. In making syrup for liqueurs, use one pound ofsugar to one pint of water, brought to the boil, skimmed, and when cool, add a very little spirit. Never add the spirit while the liquor is hot. Only use the outer peel of any of the citrous order—the pith being worse than useless. The best mode to obtain the ambrosial ei.sence of oranges, lemons, &c., is to rub the outer rind, (free from specs), with a piece o sugar, scraping the essence from the lump as it re quires, iis sugared essence constitutes the oloo-saccharum of hquor-makera and coufeoUoaers.



In somo liqueurs the arometics should be mixed first 'with the syrup ; iu others, the sugar dissolvedin an infusion offiav- ory substance should be mixed with the spirit. MACEBATION Is the immersion of any substance in spirit or any othor liq uid, for a certain time, the liquid should be just warm,of a blood heat. A DECOCTION Is simply the boiling of the ingredients in a vessel of -svater, set in a saucepan, filled with boiling water, the lid being occa- sionally raised.


8YBHPS, &0

CAPILLAIBE (Proper)is made by infusing 2 oz. of the maidenhair fern in i i.2 pint of boiling water,and 2lbs. ofloaf sugar, which pour while boiling hoton 2 oz. more of the fern ; in 10 hours strain clear. TO CLABIFY SYEUPS. Beat up the syrup cold with white of eggs ; heat; r«mov„ scum when clear while hot strain#



FOR FILTERING Dae tammy or other proper subsianeo ; if paper is require^ the best Russian is preferable to any other. TO COLOR. For green, use parsley or spinach leaves, digested in spirit, for violet, mix blue and red together ; for green, mix blue and yellow ; for red, use cochineal or Brazil wood ; for blue, use indigo or Prussian blue ; for yellow, fawn or amber, use tinc ture ofsaffron, or caramel; that is burnt sugar. SUGAR. This useful article is found more or less in every vegetable substance. It is extracted most readily from the juice of the sugar-cane, and also from the sugar-maple. In France and some other countries, from the beet-root. In China,from the sweet sorgho,aud in other countries,from various sources. The sugar priucipally used in this country is the cane-sugar. To ma ^e which the canes are crushed, the juice collected, thou slowly heated to near boiling point—a little hydrate of lime is added, which clears it—it is then Bkimmed, and subjected to great eat, till sufHciently concentrated by rapid evaporation. 113 then cooled in shallow open pans, and put into casks witli lo es ored in to allow the uncrystallizablo portion [molasses] to drain sway. What ia left in the cask is what we know as raw, or brown, sugar. LUIIP SUGAR. redilM^^'^^'P called block]sugar, raw sugar is first <1 litn« r albumen is added, and. if required, bciuo """bed,and clarified by inteuMol through animal charcoal—tlien subjeotod to an into eon^''^' proper degree of syrup, is poured and srni"°"'';.' -"i becomes solid takes nlaca i"" When the orysteUization p e elowly, it formsinto sugar-candy.



Tliis canily cau bo colored as required. Barley-augar is made by subjecting loaf-sugar to the roquia- ite heat and lUou lotting it cool. GOOD SDCtAR Ought to feel dry to the touch, and havo a sparkling appear- anco tvheu broken—itshould bo close iu torture, and hard to break. It requires for its solution one-third of its weight iu cold, and less of boiling, water. TO M.\KE SYKUP AND CLARIFY. Beat up tho white of ouo egg into a froth, which well mix with 3 pints of water. Put the mixture into a iian over a steady stove fire, having a little cold water at hand to prevent thesyrup boiling over. Let the sugar rise three times, each time chocking the boil ing over by a little cool water; the fourth time completely skim, and so continue till all tho froth is cleared off. Strain through a flannel or hair bag. This syrup will bo found sufficient for all the ordinary re quirements of,making liqueur.s. It is worth adding, that it will bo found best to employ only the best refiuod sugar, and flltercd water, soft if possible. By so doing it often saves tho trouble of clarification, which inva riably becomes necessary when inferior ingredients aro used. Tho proportion of 30 parts of sugar to IG parts of water also makes an excellentsjwup. In preparing syrups use aslittle heat as possible. The best plan is to pour the water cold over the sugar, and letit slowly melt; and, when saturated, bring it up to the boil by a gentle heat, and then keep simmering to tho point desired -^remember, if a syrup is bottled while at boiling heat, and immediately corked and tied down with a bladder, it will last a long time in a perfect state. Syrups arc best kept iu a cool place.


TO MAKE OEGEAT, Or Syrup of Almonds.—Taka 1 lb. of sweet and 1 oz. of bit ter almonds—blanch them—beatthem in a marble mortar to a smooth paste—add the juice of half alemon and a pint of bar ley water. Pass this paste through a sieve. Again, with a little of the liquid beat up the residue of the almonds till every particle is thoroughly mixed with the liquid —add another pint of barley-water,strain clear, and to ever) pint of liquid add 1 1-4 lb.of sugar and 1 drachm of oran^ flower water and rectified spirits. MOCK AEEAOK, Or Yauxhall Nectar.—To 1 quart of pure, uncolored, Jamai ca rum, add 1-2 drachm of flowers of benzoin, 1-2 fluid drachm essence of pine-apple—digest, and keep agitating for a mouth —then add 1 gill ofskimmed miik—.agitate well. In a week bottle off the clear portion. This is an excellent liqueur, and very useful for Eoman punches, or other kinds. ANOTHER WAY. Dissolve 1 scruple of flowers of benzoin in 1 quart of good —add a sliced pine-apple, or 1-2 fluid drachm of essence of pine-apple, and 4 grains balsam of Tolu. Digest 3 weeks add a gill of skimmed milk ; agitate well. ANISEED. Drop on a lump of sugar 3 drops of oil of aniseed, 1 drop each of oil of cinnamon and carraway. Dissolve in a pint of sifirit. "When well dige.sted, add1 pint of clarified syrup. ANISETTE DE BOEDEAUX Is a liqueur made by distilling fennel, anise and eoriandei seeds, which are added to brandy and sjwup. It can thus be imitated ; take of oil of aniseed 7 drox^s, of ®il of cinnamon 3 drops, dropped on a lump of sugar, wbicV infuse in 1 1-2 pint of rectified spirit, adding 1-2 -''aebm of sweat fomiel sci-ds. >

OR, TRK art of JIIaING drixks.


amour saxs fin. Tako S drops of otto of ro.ses. 13 drops oil ofncroli, 13 drops oil of cloves—dissolve in a quart of pure spirits of wine, and while dissolving assist the process byagitating theliquor. Then filter clear. Add this to 7 pints of clear syrup, and color with cochinoah CHERRY BR.VNDY, No. 1. Bruise 3lbs. of black cherries(wild ones preferable), crack ing the stones—putthe mass into a jar, with a few young cher ry leaves. Add 3 pintsof brandyor pure spirit—in 3 months strain off —add2 Ib.s. of clear sugar, after which it will be ready for use in a week. CHERRY BRANDY, No. 2. Into a stewpan put8 lbs. of clean picked cherries, viz:7lbs. of black and 1lb. of red ; let this stand on a hot plate, taking the precaution not '... let the juicu burn. When well done, strain offthejuice through a bag, add 1 lb. of sugar to every 3 lbs. of hiico—give the juice and sugar a boil up—when cool, add equal quantities of brindy and ju'ce. CHERRY BRANDY, No. 3. To each pint of brandy add 1 lb, of Morello cherries, 1-2 pint of the expressed juice of small black cherries, 3 bruised bitter almonds, 1 lb. jf bruised sugar candy. Will be ready foi use in two months. CARRAWAY BRANDY. Steep 1 oz. of carraway seeds(bruised) in 1 pint of brand-. In one week strain. Add G oz. ofloaf sugar. CURRANT BRANDY— Black or Red.—Take 1 quart of black or red currants, and fill up with 1 quart of brandy. In two monthsstrain, and add sugar to tastck



GINGER ERANDl'. Eniiso 1 oz. of ginger—ndl 1 bottlo of liriindy. Sjinp to tnsto. JUNIIER BRANDT. Dissolve 1-2 dmchm oil ofjuniper in 1 quart of purospirit or brandy. Add l-ii lb. ofsugar dise-lved in 1 quart of water. LEMON BRANDY. Steep the tbin pods of G lemons and 2 bitter almonds in 1 quart of brandy—macerate 2 weeks—adding 1-2 pint of water, md 1 lb. ofloaf sugar. LEMON BRANDY. Take peels of ilemons, 1 bitter almond, 1 bottlo of brandy —strain. Add juice of 2lemons, and 1-2 lb. of loaf sugar. ORANGE BRANDY,No. 1. Dissolve in 1-2 gallon of brandy 1 dracbm oil of orange,and 1 drop oil of neroli, adding 1 lb. ofsugar. ORANGE BRANDY, No.2. Into a largo jar put8 Seville oranges—cover tbem with bran dy. In three montlis' time, strain off the brandy, sweeten to taste, and cover tbo oranges over with syrup—the residium will make an eicellont sweetmeat. CASSIS. Infuse for 1 week in 1 quart of brandy l-'l ounce of cinnam on and 2 cloves(bruised)—then add I pint of black currants. Let these macerate for 2 months. Strain with pressure. Add 1-2 pound of sugar to every pint. Bottlo for use. CINNAMON CORDIAL. Let I-I lb. of Ceylon cinnamon (bruised)bo infused in ono quart of brandyfor 10 days—thenadd 1 drop essouco of orango pool and cardamons. Color dark brown with caramel. CASSIA CORDIAL. In 1 pint spiritsof wino infuse 3drops of oil of cassia and 2 drop.s oil oflemon-pecl.



CEDKAT. Dissolve 30 drops oil of cedr.it in 1 pint of pure sjiirit of wine. Add, ivlien dissolved, 1 pint of syrup. CBEME DE CITRON. Dissolve 30 drojis oil of citron in 1 pint of spirit of wine;col or with 2drops tincture of saffron. Add 1 quart ofsyrup. CREME DE CANNELEE. Dissolve 10 drops oil of cinnamon and 2 of oil of roses in 1 pint rectified S2)irit. When well digested add 1 quart of syrup, and color with cochineal. CREME DE BARBADOES. Put the juice and thin peel of 3 lemons and 1 citron, in n jar with one quart of spirits of wine and 3 oz. frcsh-chopped balm leaves—macerate for 1 month—strain with pressure. Add a syrup of 2lbs. ofsugar, and 1 quart of water; a drop or two of lemon-grass oil in the spirit is a grateful addition. CREME DE MENTH. Macerate for 24 hours, in 1 quart of spirit, 1 lb. of spear mint, and the thin rinds of 4lemons. Strain clear, add water 1 g.illon, and sugar to taste. CREME DE NYMPHE. Take 3 drops oil of cinnamon,5 drops oil of mace, 3 droiia oil of roses—dissolve in 5 pints of pure spirit of wine. Add 5 tbs. of sugar, and 1 quart of water. CREME DE CEDRAT WITH CHAMPAGNE. Dissolve 1-4 oz. oil of cedrat in 1-2 gallon of alcohol. Add 1 bottle of champagne and 13 lbs. of sugar dissolved in 1 gal lon of water. CREME D'ORANGE. Take 3 mandarin oranges steeped in 1 pint of pure spirit; strain in one month, with pressure. To this add 1 drop of ne- r'-li and 1 quartofsyrup.




CREIIE DE NAPHE. 1 pint of orange-flower water, 2 lbs. of pure refined sugar, difi- Bolvad in 2 quarts of spirit.s. CEEME DE CACAO. Infuse 1 lb. best Caraccascocoa-nibs, crushed, in 3 quarts of brandy. Add 1 oz. of vanilla—digest a fortnight strain. Add 3 quarts of weak sjwup. CREilE DE NOYEAU. Of peach kernels, blanched and bruised, 1 oz. proof spirit, 1 pint cinnamon, 1-1 oz.—macerate two weeks strain vi pre.ssure. Add 10 oz. of syrup and 1-1 pint oraugc-flov er wa ter. CEEilE DE NOYEAH OF MAETINIQUE. Take 5 oz. bitter almonds, blanched in cold water, ami bruised—digest them in 3 quarts spirit of wine. Add i rops essence of lemon. In a fortnight, strain with " this add a syrup made of6 lbs. of loaf sugar,1 gallon o and 1 pint of orange-flower water. CKEME DE HOSE. To 1 pint of spirits add 8 drops oil of roses, 1 drop nutmeg,1 drop oil of cinnamon, 1 quart of good syrup- with cochineal to a bright rod. CKEME DE VAhriLDE. Another way.—Into 1 pint of spirits of wine put 7 drops of tincture of vanilla. When well digested, add 1 quart of tbin syrup. CUBACOA. No. 1. Into 1 quart of boiling water dissolve 1 lb. of sugar-candy, boil up the syrup, clarify, and cool. Digest 120 drops of o,l " n ?r orange in 1 1-2 pint of pure rectified spirit, which add syrup. Color caramel, of bitte to tb



CUBACOA, NO. 2. Take 24 Seville orangea, not pricked or broken, put these in a jar, and cover with good brown bi'audy. Digest for a month —Btrain,and to every quart add 1 lb of sugar candy. Digest another week, and strain clear. This is an excellent article. The fruit can be used as a sweet by being placed in syrup. CUBACOA DE HOLL.AND. Soak in soft distilled water 1 lb. Curacoa orange peel, 1-4 lb. Ceylon cinnamon. To which add the strained juice of IG oranges. Boil for 5 minutes, then add 4 gallons plain white syrup, and, when cool, 2 1-2 gallons of brandy, or pure spirit. Digest two weeks, and filter clear. Color with tincture ofsaf fron. CITKONELLE. Take essense of orange, 1 drachm—essence of lemon 1 1-2 drachm—oil of cloves, 6 drops—oil of cinnamon, 12 drops— oil ofcoriander, 15 drop.s. Infuse in pure spirits of wine 5 pints well digested. To which add 1 quart distilled water. Filter clear, and sweeten with clarified sugar. EAU DhVKGENT. 1 drachm of oil of cedrats, 3 drachms oil of roses, dissolved in3 quarts of rectified spirit—when well digested, add a clari fied syrup of2 1-2 lbs. ofsugar in 1 1-2 gallon of water. Filter and bottle. Mix iireviously 10 sheets of silver foil, cut into small pieces. GINGEE GIN. Infuse 2 oz. candied orange peel and 2 oz. bruised ginger in ,2 pints of gin. Then add lib loaf-sugar.

-WiS .-■V'irff .f


Use wormwood instead of tansy.


Use cherries and sherrj', with gin.



EAU DE FLEUES D'ORANGES. To 17 drops of noroli dissolved, by well agitating in 1 quark of spirit, odd a clarified syrup of 1 lb. of sugar, in 3 quarts of wator. Eik-IJ DE BELLES DAMES. Take IG drops of essence of Tanilla, 1 drop of oil of roses, 2 drops of oil ofneroli. Dissolva in 3 pints of proof spirit Add a clarified syrup of21-2 lbs.ofsugar to 3 quarts of uoter. E.VU DE THE. Make an infusion witb 1 quart of boiliug wator of 1-2 oz. of gunpowder tea, 1-i oz. orange irukoo, l-d oz. black tea; strain clear. Add eipial quantities of pure spirit, syrup and water, with a tea spooiiful orange-flower water. Color green. ELIXIB DE VIOLETTES. To 1 pint ofsyrup of violottes, 1-2 pint syrup of raspberries. Add 1 quart of pure spirit. Mix, and color with blue and red for violet. GOLDWASSEK. Dissolve iu 1 pint of clean spirit 1 drachm of mace, 2 drops oil of cinnamon, 3 drops oil of citron, 6 drops of aniseed, 2 drops of oil of roses. In one week strain with pressure. Filter, clear. Add equal quantity of clear syruir, and a few leaves of gold leaf. GINGERETTE. Infuse in 1 pint of pure spirit, gin or whiskey,3 oz. of bruis ed ginger. Strain with pressure. Add 1 1-2 lbs. of sugar, and n 2 1-2 drachms of citric acid. Dissolve in 3 pints of water. HDILE DE THE. With 1 pint of water make an infusion of 1 1-2 oz. of green tea. Strain with x^ressuro. Add a clarified syrup of 4 lbs. of sugar to 1 quart of water, 1 pint of spirits of wine, and a tabla siioonlul syrun ofroses or violutn.




To 1

puro spirit ndd 00 drops oil of caiTaway and 1

pint of syrup.

KIRSCHWASSER. Macerate in 1 pint of spirit 2lbs. bruised cherry-stones, and 1 dozen grey cherry leavc.s, bruisod, and strain. I pint of cher ry juice is sometimes added. LIFE OP M.VN. 12 drops oil of lemon,9 drops oil of cloves, 3 drops cU of mace. Dissolve in 1 quart of alcohol. Add 2 1-2 lbs. Bngar. dissolved in 5 pints of water. Strain clear. Add 2 drops es sence of cochineal. LIQUOblLLA. Thin peel of4sweet oranges and 2lemons,in 1 pmt of bran dy or rum. Macerate a fortnight. Strain with pressure. Add the juice of the fruit. Also 1 quart ot clarLhed syrup. LOVAGE. To 1 gallon of gin, mixed with 1 pintclear cyrup, add a tinc ture made by macerating 1 lb. of fresh-cut celery root.s and 1 oz. ofsweet fenuel in pure spirit for two days. Slrain by pres sure. Add 1 drachm of oil of cinnamon, 33 drops oil of car- raway seeds, well flavored, and str.un clear. niPERIAL NGGX.AR. Infuse in 1 pint spirits of wine 1 oi. of bruised blanched ap ricot or peach kernels; 1 scruple oi\ of orange,,1-2 grated nut meg, 2 drachms oil of ciunamor,)d cop oil of cloves. Add 1 quart of raisiu wiuo, 1-4 pint caramel. Put those ingredients into a stone bottle for a mouth rr 1 ouger. Add 2 drops e.ssouco of lomon. After this has been iu another fortnight, filter clear. Add 4:oints boiling milk. Filter and bottle. NOYEAU. - Macerate 1-2 lb. French jdum-s,^bruised to a pulp. Add the peel rind of 1 Seville or 2 swoet oranges, 1 oz,sweet aln^-





ontls bruised in a covered vessel, and pour in 1 quart of spirits of vine. Keep for a month. Str.ain with pressure. Add 1 drop oil of ciunamon,and 2 1-2 pints of veuk syrup. Color with a little saflron. PEPPEKMINT Spirits of vine 2 oz., English oil of peppermint 1-4 of an oz. Add afew drops on sugar when required. PERFECT LOVE. Infusal pintspirits of wine, 1-2 tea-spoonful of vanilla pow der. Add the oloo-.saccharum of2 lemons and 1 lb. of sugar, Color with cochineal. SIROP DbiRSINTHE. JIacerate for 24 hour.s, or more,in 3 pints of water, 1-2 lb. of fresh wormwood tops. Strain with pressure. Add 4 pints of clarified syrup, and 1'table spoonful of pure spirit. SYRUP OF GINGER. To tincture of ginger, 1-2 fluid oz., add clarified syrup 1-2 pint SYRUP OF ORANGE OR LEAION PEEL. Tincture of orange-peel, 3 drachms, clarified syrup 1-2 pint. SYRUP OF LEMONS. Lemon-juice, strained, 1-2 pint; sugar 2 1-2 lbs.; rectified spirit, 2 fluid oz. Boil thejuice ten minutes. Strain, and add the sugar. When cool, color the spirit with saffron. IMITATION LEMON SYRUP. 4 oz. tartar'oacid; 2 drachms oil of lemon;6 oz. powdered loaf sugait





Irrespective of the rise of bitter extracts specially resorted to for medical purposes, beverages are made in wbich the bitter ^ priuciiJlo of gentian, dandelion, bops, vormwood, quassia,

orange-peel, calumba, cascarilla, and n few others is greatly used. The custom ofinfusing bitter plants in viuous driuk.s is very ancient. Bitter driuks invariably present the bitter prin ciple of some herb, such as wormwood, etc., which, when mix ed with sundry other aromatics and spirits, and then distilled, makes the "Absyntho do Siiisae'"so very popular in Franceand Switzerland. Indeed, the SwiiS seem jrarticularly fond of bit ters for the very bitterest of bitters is one of their favorite liquors viz: the spirit distilled from gentian root. In England the bitters used in the public-houses are invariably made of spirit, from orange-peel, cassia, gentian, cardamon seeds, or any other bitter that fancy dictates. Tho well-known tonic,or bitter-cup is made of quassia wood It is reputed to be stom achic, and to assist digestion. The roasted chips of this wood form one of the ingredients used as a substitute for hops in embittering beer. No doubt, whatever, but that re.-.lly good and very carefully prepared bitters are useful as a ton'c, when taken in moderation. Experience, in all countries and climes prove that they strengthen and give tone to the stomach, and give a healthful appetite under nearly all circumstances. The active principles of the most important ingredients used in the manufacture of Bitters are best extracted where the distillation is carried on scientiflcnlly and on an extensive scale, and where





thoro i.'! plon'y of wpifal to procr.ra Iho Tcry best mnteririls of every clesrrqitioii nro used ia its mauufiicturo or concoc tion. S.icJi 13 ttia c.iso with the now almost universally used and most highly esteemed BOKErd.d BITTEES. These Bitters are freely recommended by our mo.st respecta ble physicians, as combining in tho nicest proportions every neiilth-giving ingredient requisite to give natural tone and strength to the stomach and its auxiliary organ.s, and at the same time never fail to restore the general health, iffailing, or toietaiu it, if not already lost. Those Bitters are, also, gener- all used by the most intelligent and jiopular'of our Bar- Tond-Ti.as they are known to impart that pleasant bitterness to Sherry Wine. &o. which rendersthem so promotivo of appetite. Wo givo the following recipes for making Bitters — which will be found useful when the above-mentioned article cannot readily be obtained. WEME BITTERS. Take the thin peel of 1 lemon, 1 bitter orange ; add 3 oz. of good sherrj', 2 oz. of water—infuse. BE.ANDY BITTERS. Orange-peel, 8 oz,, cardamons 1 oz., cinnamon, 1 oz., es sence of cochineal, 2 drops; gentian root,6 oz.;brandy 1 gal- on. D.gest for.a mouih. Strain with pressure,and filter. essence of bitters. 1-3 lb. orange-peel, dried, 1-4 lb. orange-apples, 1-4 lb. gen-

^'^®o°-pcel, ground to powder. Macerate for 1 gdlon of pure spirit. Strain with pressur#.

.4.dd 1 quart of soft water.

BITTERS. Raisins, 1 Ih., bruised eiunamon,3 oz., Virginia suake-root oz., juice ot 1 orange and 1 lemon, cloves 20. Digestinrum tor two months.





Baer is of great antiquity. The origin of the art of brewing is nscribeii by Iloredotus to Isis, the excellent -wife of Osiris, King of Eg3q3t. The Kom.ins, wholeirnt the nrt of brewing from the Egyp tians, called this drink bj'the appropriate name of cerevisia, in honor of Ceres, the celebrated agricultural Queen of Sicily, tvho was afterwards deified as the Goddess of Plentj'. It was at an early period the favorite potation of the Ger mans and Gauls,from whom it was introduced into England, and to this day it remains the favorite beverage of the English- spe:iking people, iu all parts of the world. Ale was originally made from malted barley alone. • Ale houses werefirst licensed iu the reign of Charles XL That variety of beer called Porter derives its name from its being much used by the London porters. High medical authorities saj'that"Ale considered dietetic- ally possesses n three-fold property:it quenches thirst, it stim ulates and cheers, and nourishes and strengthens. "In Ale, the power of appe.asing thirst depends upon its aqueous ingredients, assisted somewhat by its aciduous consti tuents (carbonic and acotic acid}; its stimulating, cheering, and slightly intoxicating power is derived, either wholly or principallj',from the alcohol, of which it contains from 2 to 8 per cent.; lastlyi its nutritive or strengthening qualitj'is de rived from the sugar, dextrine,and similar substances contain- sd in it. Moreover, the bitter principle r"' hops confers on 4l3. consid.'^blfi tonic properties.



' From these combinecl qualities, Ale, if taken in modera tion, proves a refreshing, healthful, and salubrious drink, and is an agreeable and valuable stimulant, and a support to those who have to undergo much fatigue." "Pure Ale,''says Dr. Ure,"is a far more wholesome bever age for the people, when drank in moderation, than the thin,'^ sour wines ofthe Continent." Beewixg, to be successfully practised, can only be learned by experience—no treatise on the art can give thatjudgment that the practised brewer has, which enables him to contend with very many unexpected difficulties, arising from sudden changes of weather, fluctuations of temperature, and other causes which render modifications of treatment necessary, and which no precise rule can guard against. The liquor, as the water used by brewersand others is term ed, is of great importance—soft, or hard water softened by ex posure, is generally preferred, because it makes a stronge^y ex tract, and is more inclined to ferment—but hard water makes the best keeping beer. We may add that the water which makes the best tea makes the best beer. The ales of Burton-on-Trentare brewed with hard water,the river Trent containing an unusuallylarge proportion of sul phate oflime, together with carbonate and muriate oflime. The Scotch ales are distinguished for the small quantity of hops they contain, and for their vinous flavor. Strong aleshould be made from the best Barley Com,and tho fermentation is allowed to take place slowly, so that tho fer ment is exhausted or seperatcd. This combined with the large nount of sugar undecompos- ed remaining,enables the liquor to keep long without requiring a large amount of hops. Brewing is now carried to such perfection in this country, that Ale is produced here that in every respect equals the best brewings ofthe most celebrated British breweries. A.s we have before intimated,even when tho barleyand othe?

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