1874 The American Bar-Tender or The Art and Mystery of Mixing Drinks by E A Simmons




To 1

puro spirit ndd 00 drops oil of caiTaway and 1

pint of syrup.

KIRSCHWASSER. Macerate in 1 pint of spirit 2lbs. bruised cherry-stones, and 1 dozen grey cherry leavc.s, bruisod, and strain. I pint of cher ry juice is sometimes added. LIFE OP M.VN. 12 drops oil of lemon,9 drops oil of cloves, 3 drops cU of mace. Dissolve in 1 quart of alcohol. Add 2 1-2 lbs. Bngar. dissolved in 5 pints of water. Strain clear. Add 2 drops es sence of cochineal. LIQUOblLLA. Thin peel of4sweet oranges and 2lemons,in 1 pmt of bran dy or rum. Macerate a fortnight. Strain with pressure. Add the juice of the fruit. Also 1 quart ot clarLhed syrup. LOVAGE. To 1 gallon of gin, mixed with 1 pintclear cyrup, add a tinc ture made by macerating 1 lb. of fresh-cut celery root.s and 1 oz. ofsweet fenuel in pure spirit for two days. Slrain by pres sure. Add 1 drachm of oil of cinnamon, 33 drops oil of car- raway seeds, well flavored, and str.un clear. niPERIAL NGGX.AR. Infuse in 1 pint spirits of wine 1 oi. of bruised blanched ap ricot or peach kernels; 1 scruple oi\ of orange,,1-2 grated nut meg, 2 drachms oil of ciunamor,)d cop oil of cloves. Add 1 quart of raisiu wiuo, 1-4 pint caramel. Put those ingredients into a stone bottle for a mouth rr 1 ouger. Add 2 drops e.ssouco of lomon. After this has been iu another fortnight, filter clear. Add 4:oints boiling milk. Filter and bottle. NOYEAU. - Macerate 1-2 lb. French jdum-s,^bruised to a pulp. Add the peel rind of 1 Seville or 2 swoet oranges, 1 oz,sweet aln^-


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