1874 The American Bar-Tender or The Art and Mystery of Mixing Drinks by E A Simmons


May we be friendly and sooiai to all mankind. May the bark of Friendship never founder on the rock or de ceit. May we frown sorrows in the friendly draught May we be rich in friends rather than money. May he who wants friendship also want friends. May friendship, love and truth unite. May we never, by overleaping the bounds of prudence, tress- pa.s3 upon the bosom of friendsliip. May wo never want a friend to cheer us, nor a buttle to cheer him. May old friends never bo forgotfor new ones. May our friends have no burden, and futurity no terrors. May the lamp of friendship be lighted with the oil of sincerity. May we always have a friend and know his value. May all honest souls find a frieud in need. May our friends always possess the three H-s~Hcalth, Honor, Happiue,, Abihty to servo a friend, and honor to conceal it May the difference of opinion never divide friendship. , ,, Mayfriend.ship sniiia in our cups, content on our lives. May our prudence secure u-s frieuds, hut enable us to live ^'itbout their assrstauce. May our friendship bo perpetual, and our enemies not so. Our favorite Iriencls and favorite girl. Reconciliation to our friends. The sunshine of the soul-a Friend. Our absent friends. Home pleasant, and our frienAs at homo.

May we never see an old friend with a new faoe. May ourfriendship continue as long as the sun.

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