1874 The American Bar-Tender or The Art and Mystery of Mixing Drinks by E A Simmons


Friondship in mnrblo irnd ani nosity in the dust May the evening's amusements bear the morning's reflections. May -we have those in our arms that wo love in oiir hearts. May those who mean well faro well. May our endeavors to please bo crowned with success. May the shield of friendship ward off the arrows of affliction. May the blossoms of love never bo blighted, And a true-hearted girl never bo slighted. May the hinges of friendship never rust. A heart to feel, and a hand to give. Our Oak—The pride of the forest when living, and the pride of the ocean when dead. May friendship be enlightened by good humor,but never be Wounded by wit. Youthful Tassions—Lot them be ever kept in proper restraint. TheBankofEarth—The only bank that there is no discounton. Hero's to ghl-s of every station. Throughout our Yankee nation. The Cheats of America—Punished with their own poison.. A toast before we go. Huzzafor America, ho! Tne Trade of America The Workshop of the World : Let its prosperity become as unbounded as its re.sources and in dustry are unlimited. The Daughters of America—may they add virtue to beauty, subtract envy from friendsliip, multiply amiat>lo accom- plisbinents by sweetness of temper, divide time by soci ability and economy, and reduce scandal to its lowest denomination. Virtue—Itshines though contemptibly clad, and is recognized and re.spected by noble minds. Literature—The avenue to glory, ever open to these ingenious wen who are de.stituto of honors and of wealth.

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