1874 The American Bar-Tender or The Art and Mystery of Mixing Drinks by E A Simmons
Baer is of great antiquity. The origin of the art of brewing is nscribeii by Iloredotus to Isis, the excellent -wife of Osiris, King of Eg3q3t. The Kom.ins, wholeirnt the nrt of brewing from the Egyp tians, called this drink bj'the appropriate name of cerevisia, in honor of Ceres, the celebrated agricultural Queen of Sicily, tvho was afterwards deified as the Goddess of Plentj'. It was at an early period the favorite potation of the Ger mans and Gauls,from whom it was introduced into England, and to this day it remains the favorite beverage of the English- spe:iking people, iu all parts of the world. Ale was originally made from malted barley alone. • Ale houses werefirst licensed iu the reign of Charles XL That variety of beer called Porter derives its name from its being much used by the London porters. High medical authorities saj'that"Ale considered dietetic- ally possesses n three-fold property:it quenches thirst, it stim ulates and cheers, and nourishes and strengthens. "In Ale, the power of appe.asing thirst depends upon its aqueous ingredients, assisted somewhat by its aciduous consti tuents (carbonic and acotic acid}; its stimulating, cheering, and slightly intoxicating power is derived, either wholly or principallj',from the alcohol, of which it contains from 2 to 8 per cent.; lastlyi its nutritive or strengthening qualitj'is de rived from the sugar, dextrine,and similar substances contain- sd in it. Moreover, the bitter principle r"' hops confers on 4l3. consid.'^blfi tonic properties.
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