1874 The American Bar-Tender or The Art and Mystery of Mixing Drinks by E A Simmons


PEACH BRAKDA', So -well known in the United States is obtained from penoh- tiQ fermentation and distilliitiou. HOLLANDS AND ENGLISH GIN differ much in flavor: Holland Gin is a rich, mellow, soft spir it, and its peculiar flavor is duo to the use ofjuniper. BUM, A well known spirit, chiefly made in the West Indies, is ob tained from the distillation of the fermented skimmings ofthe sugar-boilers, adding some crude cane-juice, neces.sary to im part the flavor. Good Bum is a very pleasant and wholesome spirit, but ifimpure it is very injurious. The best Bum comes from Jamaica. Deraerara, Santa Cruz and other islands, pro duce a very fine article. WHISKEY Is more generally used in the United St.ates than any other liquor. It may also be oonsidered as the national spirit of the Scotch and Irish. It agreesin some ofits char.acteristics with Gin, but is lighter and more stomachic. It is stronger than gin, and is also, when good, the best spiritfor general use.



May our Chief Magistrates and their Cabinetsform a govern ment of purity and unanimity,and from that basis defya world ofenemies. Our Governors—May they ever merit the esteem of the peo ple, and be always ready to reward the deserving.

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