1874 The American Bar-Tender or The Art and Mystery of Mixing Drinks by E A Simmons
Here's to America-theBuler and Queen of the Wares-May she always extend to the weak and oppressed those bles sings with which her own sous have been blest May th^American Congresslong plead our just cause. - ^ Establish true peace, our religion and laws, j May our Senators be distinguished for their integrity. Mav the influence of the Executive always be destroyed by its own corruption, and the liberties of the people revive after every depression. Marthe Members of Congress, while they are in Wa.shington, never forget that they are the representatives of the ab- sent people.
SOLDIEBS- AND SAILORS' TOASTS. The Military and the Press of the United States-The two great safeguards of our nataonal indepeudeuoe and the people's rights. The Military of the several States—Thoughbalongiug to differ entregiments, brigadesand divisions, they are all broth er soldiers of one grand army—the Army of the Union. Our Military Esohanges—Thebest system of exchanges wMoh has yet been adopted to preserve the Union.
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