1874 The American Bar-Tender or The Art and Mystery of Mixing Drinks by E A Simmons
May our company and our country live on, live ever. May the love of friendship, contempt of hardship, and affec tion for the States, ever animate the hearts of American May the God of Battles bless with victory every American in. conflict, and may our watchword be. Liberty forever. Our Soldiers and our Sailors—Ma}'they over be as closely uni ted in the bonds offellowship as they now are. Our absent brothers in arms—May they never bo forgotten. The Volunteer Militia—May they all become veterans. May our soldiers bo as ready to handle the musket as they are to use the knife and fork. The Commander of our company—May his days bo prolonged to be a blessing to his friends, his family, his State, and his country. May the gale of prosperity waft u.s into the port of happiness. Our Commander,and may health and happiness attend him through life. May the materials which compose our na-vy be native hearts, native timber, native iron, and boimd by native valor. May the devil bo the shipmate of all mutineers. May true friendship always warm the hearts and hands of Yankee tars. May heaven's descended mercy ever govern our sons on land and sea. May the interestsof the States be united forever. May every American seaman's child be nursed in the lap of fame. The memo^of General Mercer—Ever merciful and never mer- ' oenary. General Scott, who gave our enemies a massive volume of Scott's tactics, seamen.
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