1874 The American Bar-Tender or The Art and Mystery of Mixing Drinks by E A Simmons
Fjremen-s Visits—May they continue to meet as friends,and to part as brothers. May theytravel tare free, and meetfree fare, and smiling fair ones wherever they go. May he who would injure any Fire Department, have a parch- ed tongue and only putrid water to cool it. The Fireman—Awake at all hours, warm-hearted in all weath- ers, and ready at all times. Good attachment, free plugs, full pumps,and fair play to aU true firemen. Firemen-Tho heroes that never invade and never retreat May the wretch who would cut their hose be cut by all society and never come again. The Fireman—His heart is guided by the great Fereman over low° property of his children be- The ^"eman s Hat—more honorable than a monarch's crown, • "■■■• »"■"». ■>• »-• •<> need hrs aid and the last to he served by him. smoke, and cheer the toilingfireman. F^emansCompass-Forall points, and honor points to "^ever find fuel in the hearts of The O^rphans of Firemen-May they find a friend in every The Firemen T]in t i
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