1874 The American Bar-Tender or The Art and Mystery of Mixing Drinks by E A Simmons
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Gaiety and innocence. However obscure we are oy birth, may we never be jenoismed for crimes, Heaven to those who wish for it, repentance to those who do , not. Hastiness in doing good, tardiness in doing evil. ^ May we always see our neighbor's distress with an eye of com passion. Honest men and bonny lassies. Harmony all over the world. Humanity in prosperity, and fortitude in distress. Health of body, jjeace of mind, a clean shirt, and a dollar. Long may wo live, and happy'may we be. Blest with content, and from misfortunes free. Jlay the mind never find the decay of the body. May the rich bo charitable, and the poor grateful. May the fiery trials of adversity lead us to scenes of bliss, Integrity in those who wear the robe of-justice. In the comedy of life may errors be excepted.
May meanness never accompany riches. May we never be blind to our own errors. May our bosoms ever be warmed with pity. May wo never be the slaves of interest or pride". May care be a stranger where virtue resides. May we cherish hope, and conquer fear. May generosity meet its own reward. May the tears of sensibility never cease to flow. May wo bo slaves to nothing but our duty. May wo never feel want, or want feeling. May hemp bind those whom honor cannot, M.ay our happiness be sincere and our joys lasting. Maj we never know sorrow but by name.
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