1874 The American Bar-Tender or The Art and Mystery of Mixing Drinks by E A Simmons
The "United States—Our common mother. Our Absent Friends—Though lostto sight to memory dear. A Free Press That which gives good proof of its worth, and adds to the columns of liberty. Our Invited Guests—Welcomo visitors, who bring the kinde.st sympathies and grateful recollections of the Fatherland. Our Kivers—Oh, may the smile of the Great Spirit, which, in the view of the poor Indian, is reflected upon their wa ters, ever be reflected by our happiness and prosperity. regulator of moral nud political society, ress of Our Couutrj-—The engine of our libertj', the tor- or o yriints, and the schoolm.aster of the whole world. "^rer be popular and prosperous. ° may it be perpetual, nud may the time never come en ason of New England shall boa foreigner in New Creole a foreigner in New England. Gentle, patient, self-den3'ing; without her man would Tb T A-" Alw.ayg favorable to a press properly conducted. ^^Ik'^tress of Arts, who robs the bachelor of his de- curLrioctumr philosophy by means of Long youth, long health, long pleasure, and long friendships. Our Pestu-al Recurring with each year's renewal of verdure audbloom--long time may it be to us the spring-time of hope;while we live itsball bo sacred to the commem oration of heroic faith and patriotic devotion. American Talent,Industry, and Enterprise--Whether display ed in redeeming the soil, navigating the ocean, edvan- The Our Friends-Always welcome. n Let us notfor^e that wherever man is most enlight- fheP rViQ T> respected and beloved.
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