1876 Jerry Thoma's Bar-Tender's Guide or How to Mix Drinks (Soft Cover)



353 . Gi n F l i p , Co l d .

Take 1 tablespoontul powdered sugar. Add 1 wineglass of good gin. 1/2 do. water. A piece of lemon. Fill the tumbler two-thirds full with broken ice.

253 . Impe r i a l E g g N o g g .

Take 1 tablespoonful powdered sugar. 1 do. cold water. 1 wineglassful brandy. 1 egg.

1/2 tumbler of milk. A little St. Croix rum. Shake it well with a small quantity of ice, then grate a little nutmeg over it.

354. E l Do r a do Pu n c h .

Take 1 pony brandy.

1/2 do. Jamaica rum. 1/2 do. Bourbon. 1 tablespoonful powdered sugar. A slice of lemon.

Fill the tumbler with fine ice, shake well and ornament with berries or small pieces of orange. Garnish with a straw.

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