1876 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks by Jerry Thomas

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Lola Montez' Arts of Beauty; or, Secrets of a Lady's Toilet, inv/i hints to Gentlemen on the Ai't of Fascinatinfj, Lola Montez Iiore explains all the Arts employed hy the eelcbrated beauties and fashion- nblc ladies in Paris and otlicr cities ot'Eur'^pc.for the purpose of jirescrvin.^ their beauty and iinproviufr and developing' t!rrir charms. The recipes nro .ell clearly triven, so that any person can understand them,aiulthoworkein-. braces the following subjects:

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Beds, Bound, Plain and Fancy . Dances, so that any person may • ..learn, them without the aid of a :^IeacJ(eys ^6 wlddsis added easy directions how -fo eall>out the Figures 'of. pfhsic rbquired for cacb. Elnstratcd JliUgrove, Professor of Dancing.

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