1876 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks by Jerry Thomas



The yolks and whites together beat "With half a pint of water more— ^ Mixing them well, then gently pour Into the skillet with the wine, And stir it briskly all the time. Then pour it off into a pitcher; Grate nutmeg in to make it richer. Then drink it hot,for he's a fool, Who lets such precious liquor cool."


124. Mulled Claret.

(A la Lord Saltown.)

For this recipe see No.191.

125. Port "Wine Sangares.

(Use smallbar glasa.)

lA wine-glass of port wine. 1 teaspoonful of sugar. Fill tumbler two-thii-ds with ice. Shako well and grate nutmeg on top.

126. Sherry Sangaree.

(Uso small bar glass.)

1 wine-glass of sherry. 1 teaspoonful of fine sugar. Fill tumbler one-third with ice,and grate nutmeg on top.

127. Brandy Sangaree. (Uso small bar glass.)

The brandy sangaree is made with the same ingredients ns the brandy toddy(see No. 133), omitting the nutmeg. Fill two-thirds full of ice, and dash about a teaspoonful of port wine, so that it will float on top.

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