1879 Drinks and how to make them by Yeatman & Co

No. 20.—Whiskey,

Gin, o

Nectar. “Like lime-twigs set to catch my w Give me some drink .”—King Henry VI., 2 Put in a soda-water tumbler a winegl spirit, with half a teaspoonful or Bitters, a slice or two of either orange or bottle of lemonade, and some ice. and refreshing drink. [N.B.—Calisayine Cocktail Bitters added of aerated or mineral waters is excellent.] No. 21.—Mr.Mantalini’s “Dem Delicious.” “And hath sent your worship a morn of sack .”—Merry Wives of Windsor, ii. 2 Take a tablespoonfid of lime-juice a teaspoonful or more of Calisa tumbler with seltzer, or any kind of ae water; put in a piece of ice. A coo summer beverage. No. 22.— Ale Cup. —“Mr. Weneration.” “ The white sheet bleaching on the hedge— With hey ! the sweet bii'ds—O how the Doth set my pugging teeth on edge ; For a quart of ale is a dish for a king.” Winter’s Tale, iv. 2. Into a quart po" grate some ginger, add tw fuls Calisayine bitters, in a glass of gin ale heated, and two teaspoonfuls of sugar, while it is foaming. 12

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