1879 Drinks and how to make them by Yeatman & Co

sherry. Whip the whites of the eggs to a beat with the mixture ; then stir in three pin This is a delicious and very n heating or over stimulating. It forms new year’s bowl of the Southern States of Am be iced, if wished, with a little grated nutmeg No. 26.—Mrs. Nickleb Nourisher.” “And sometimes make a drink to bear Midsummer Wight's Dream, ii. i. Put in a tumbler a teaspoonful or more Bitters, add one third (or one half) m soda water. Ice can be added, if w Most of our physicians recommend forms a nutrient tonic. Mrs. M. E. L., of South Kensington, debility of the stomach, and other exist cidental to indigestion, our famil milk and soda water as a beverage, but it at time digestion. A friend suggested the a Bitters, and (after its trial being permitt fessional atte ndant) it was adopted. Th satisfactory ; the tonic influence of the assisted the easy digestion of the milk, bu a charming beverage and stimulated appetite daughter has also benefited by its use.” No, 27.—Calisayine Syrup. “The pearl that pleased your Empress dronicus, i. 2.


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