1879 Drinks and how to make them by Yeatman & Co

Loaf sugar half a pound, milk one when cold strain, and add half a wine glass sayine Bitters. Put in a tumbler one fill with soda, or seltzer, or Apollinasis aerated or mineral water. This delicious tonic syrup should always hand. It renders a tumbler of water ful thirst quencher, and, while fascinating tones the stomach and system, which is alway less wearied where thirst exists ; and to t object to water alone as a beverage Ladies and children will obtain a nourishing to our lady friends are charmed with it. No. 28. — Calisayine C Syrup, made with. Condensed. Special for Yachts, Steamships, ^c. Take condensed milk two tablespoonfuls d half a pint of water, and add ha Calisayine Bitters, Use a iM tumbler of water, or any kind of take two teaspoonfuls of condensed milk teaspoonful of Calisayine Bitters, and add of water or serated water. No. 29 .—Elysium Eong “ Lengthened sweetness long drawn out. Cream Pearl Syrup tumble of water ; ice if desired. No. 30.—The Templar’s Tea “Wil’t please you taste of what is htre.'’—Tempest, Wine glassful of Calisayine Cream Pearl Syr a tumbler of cold tea, slice of lemon, and i 15

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