1879 Drinks and how to make them by Yeatman & Co
No. 31. — Temperance “Caudle,
thy morning taste t
Athens, iv. 3. A teaspoonful of Calisayine full of milk ; fill with cold tea, sweetened
No. 3S.—Tea Punch. “ Has a taste as sweet as any Tale, V. 3. Wineglassful Calisayine Cream Pearl spoonful brandy, or any kind of sp Madeira, tumbler of cold tea, two orange—ice. Hot punch same way, Pun “Inventions to delight the taste.”— Pericles, Half teaspoonful Calisayine Bitters, wine-glass half wine-glass Jamaica rum, half wine half ditto water, one-and-a-half quarter of a large lemon ; fill tumbler w put on top small pieces of orange and berri drink through a straw. No. 34.—Roman Punch. “ By my troth, most pleasant.”— Love's iv. I. Tablespoonful of sugar, ditto raspb spoonful Calisayine Bitters, wine half ditto brandy, juice of half a lemon, fi ice, dash with port wine. No. 33.—Mississippi
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