1879 Drinks and how to make them by Yeatman & Co

No. 35.—The Ladies’ Th “ Wil’t please you taste of this ?’~Tempe Ore-third each brandy, Calisayine Bi Itns :s a delicious French cafe drink, and s bcAFiA ; ha.lf brandy, half M Calisayine Bitters. A^ood Sherris sack hath a twofold o It asceids me into the brain ; dries foolish, and dull, and crudy vapors wh makes It apprehensive, quick, forgetive, ful heiy, anc^ delectable shapes ; which delivered voice (the tongue), which is the birth, become wit. —Ktig Henry IF., iv. 3. T • Liebig, “a a means of refreshment, wh of life are exhausted—of' giving animation where man las to struggle with days of a means of (orrection and compensation w portion occui^ in nutrition, and the organism i in its operatiins, and as a means of p transient orgajic disturbances, wine is s product of natire or art,” But eve ora reason tc be presently stated, spirit wine with Cali^yine Bitters added, is bett or spirits alone, for the reason that it frequently aftei the stimiiating influence of depression follove; this is entirely avoided itters are added, as from their tonic effect tone is left strengtiened. As a cordial stomachic and delightful for oppressiOT a/tei meals, indigestion, o m eating. Take a liqueur glass of


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