1879 Facts About Champagne and Other Sparkling Wines
PRICE ONE SHILLING. Uniform 1oith "Facts .About Clt<11mpague, g-c.,'' <11nd "Facts Li.bout Slierry." FACTS ABOUT PORT AND' MADEIRA, WITH NOTES ON THE WINES VINTAG,ED AROUND LISBON, AND THE WINES OF TENERIFFE. BY HENRY VIZETELLY'. ILLUSTRATED WITH 80 ENGRAVINGS FROM ORIGINAL SKETCHES. CONTENTS. I. The Vintage around Lisbon: Bucellas, Collares, Torres Vedrns, the Termo, Ca.marat_e, Carcavellas, and Lavradio. II. Off to the Alto Douro-The Vintage at the Quinta da Boa Vista and the Quinta dos Arregadas-Buying New Wine. III. How Port Wine is made. IV. The Quinta do Noval-.A Wine Village in the Alto Douro. V. The Alto Douro Vineyards-The Vines and System ~f Cultivation. VI. Traits and Stories of the Douro Peasantry. VII. Some Notable Alto Douro Quintas-The Cachao da Vlllleira. VIII. The Vineyards of the Baixo Gorgo-The Douro Wine Bon.ts-Reo-oa " and Villa Real. "' IX. The Wine Compamy of the Alto Douro. X. The Port Wine Capita). and the Wine Lodges of Villa Nova. XI. The Rearing and Shipping of Port-Vintage Wines. XII. Pretended use of Elderberries and Logwood in Port Wine. XIII. The Island of Madeira-The Vintage at Santa.Cruz and Sao Joao. XIV. Excursion to the Vineyards of Sao Martiuho, Caron de Lobos, the Estreito, and Quinta Granda. XV. The Viticultural Districts, Vines and Wines of Madeira-'rhe Peasant Population. XVI. Funchal and its Wine Stores-Renewed Popularity of Mndeira. XVII. The Wines of Teneriffe-Their l!'ame in Shakspeare's time.
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