1879 Facts About Champagne and Other Sparkling Wines

PRICE ONE SHILLING. In Oroi01i 8vo, Onu11tnental Cover, or Is. 6d. bo111zd in Cloth and Gilt. FACTS ABOUT SH-ERRY, GLEANED DURING A RECENT TOUR THROUGH SPANISH VINEYARDS · AND· BODEGAS.- By HENRY VIZETELLY. ILLUSTRATED 'IVITII SIXTEEN PAGE ENGRAVINGS, AND NU:l;[EROUS SUJJ.TECTS IN THE TEXT, FROM PHOTOGRAPHS AND SKETCHES TAKEN EXPRESSLY FOR THIS '\YORK. "Some plea.sa.nt papers on the vineyards and wines of Southern Spa.in."-Athonamm. " Gives a. comprehensive view of the whole subject of Sherry. Blended with this, the reader will find much amusing descriptive writing.-Daity News. "Mr. Henry Vizetelly may be "credited with accuracy so fo.r as bis facts are ~on­ cerned, and his well-known literary powers a.re a. guarantee that the book is nu entertaining one. It is well and profusely illustrated."-Morni.ng Post. "Mr. Vizetelly \vrites manifestly with full knowledge of bis subject, and the nn– lea.rned in Sherry may take his conclusions n.s sound. We can heartily recommend this tmpretending work as a rich storehouse of information." -Tr·1tth. " So ably has the author a.ccompliah ed his task that ' F acts a.bout Shei:rY' will, in ~ :11r?ba.bility, restore Sherry to that high place in public esteem from which adverse cnt1ctSms may have temporarily deposed it."-Ilhtsbrated London Nows. "Mr. Henry Vizetelly is peculiarly learned a.bout wines, and sets forth his facts in the pleasantest and most readable form."-Mayfain-. " The author, who spent sa"vera.1 mont.hs in the wine districts of the South of Spa.in, tells in a pleasant manner all he saw and hea.rd."-P1tb!ic Opiniion. " The book is impartinJ.l.y written by one thoroughly competent to deal with the subject."-Court Ja.1h!'liat. " Mr. Vizetelly is entitled to the hearty thanks of She1Ty-drinkers all over the world for having produced this useful and entertaining book, which is profusely illustrate~ with a series of clever and well-engraved,drawings.''-Ilhtstratod Spoi-tinig and. Dramatic News. " Our author is obviously perfect master of his subjecb in all its details, and pos– sesses the art of imparting information in the most agreeable and imperceptible way." ...::.rh,e-rpool Daily Co'llll·ier. "A bright, u seful little book, whlch will make everybody with a. liking for Sherry o. confirmed Sherry-drinker.''-Sheffie!d DailllJ Telegraph. " Mr. H. Vizetelly' s descriptions of the scenery of sunny Spain and the manners o.nd customs of the people are very graphic and interesting and bis account of the gMhering and pressing of the grapes and the rearing and blen'ding of the wine is both curious and instructive.''-Mid!amd. Counties Herald. "An admirable book, written in a pleasant and attractive style, and full of trust– worthy information upon the subject of which it treats."-Court Ciircular. " From the special opportunities enjoyed by our author it might fairly be expected that full pa.--ticula.ra respecting this fa.vourita. wine, from its growth in the fprm of pills, as Brillat-Savarin had it, through all the varied mysteries of soleras and blending until itpa.ssed into the hands o~ the importer, would be giyen; and this expectation i~ r~alised to the utmost extent, besides which the book contams many inter eBting descr1pt1ons of the people and their customs."-O:rford Uninlersi&y Hem!d.

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