1879 Facts About Champagne and Other Sparkling Wines

"We have perused ',.ith much satisfaction this excellent tl:eatise, which is perhaps as accurate nnd intelligible a description of the various processes of vintaging, mD.king, aud rearing Sherry as the student of the subject could lay his hand on. It is written in an ensy, flowing style that leads the reader from beginning to encl without fatigue." -Bidloy's Wino and Spirit Trado Ciirculcw! "Mr. Henry Vizetelly's book will be bright and interesting reading to the general public, and will be specially important to 'vine importers and clealers."-L!oyd's Newspaper. · - " Mr. Vizetelly's style is bright, amusing, and picturesque, nnd he writes with o. humour that is sometimes as dry o.s the Manzo.nillii, often as vivid in colour o.s the Oloroso he treats of."-Hornot. " The usefulness of this a.ble o.nd reliable little work is evident at a glance. It would, indeed, be impossible for nny more thoroughly practical explanation to be given <>f the manner of growing the grapes, or of pressing and preparing them 4n the ma.nu· fo.cture of Sherry, than will be found fully eet out in its .pages. Mr. H. Vizetelly's competency for the fulfilment of the purpose he had in hand is much too well known to necessitate any further explo.nntion of the good service he has done to the wine trade of this country, no less than to every drinker of Sherry."-Be!l's lVeokly Mcssongcl'. "We nre carried from page to pnge with an increasing desire as we read on that the end may not be too near. Mr. Vizete)ly is not only o. thorough master of his subject, but he knows a.dmirably well how to Iio.ndle it."-Sawnders's Nctos Lattei'. "It is by no mell.ns a mere record of dry facts about Sherry, but an interesting description of travel in the Sherry-producing districts of Jerez, Seville, Moguer, and Montilla."-Mancltestor 01·itic. "Mr. Henry Vizetelly hns so blended the nn.rmtive of his experience with a.musing episodes and clever descriptions of the many interesting spots he visited that no one can take up the book without being o.mused."-WoekLy Timos. "The author's style is easy, his descriptions frequently very picturesque, and the interest of the text is heightenecl by a number of very goocl illustro.tions.''-CifnJ Press. " Wine-making is a mystery which fe,v attempt to explore, and still fewer succeed who make the attempt. Mr. HenryVizetelly is an exception to both these classes, and this little book is another proof that he goes to the fountain-head for his informat.ion." -Brighton Ho·rald. · "To Englishmen.who seek refreshing invigoration'from a good glass of dry Sherry we heartily recommend a perusal of the' Facts.' "-Westor-11 DailAJ Morc1wy. " T~e value of the work is increased by its being the production of a thoroughly in;ipartial wi~"!e~s, :iiq:r. H enry Vizetelly being the wine juror for Great Britain at the Vienna Exhibition. -Shrowsbwr-y Clwonicle. " ~r: Henry Vize1!elly is !ill oJ?server, and bis pen is facile. He can readily da.sh off a description of the saJ!.ent pomts m a landscape, and is not indifferent to the c~ms of the cla:k-eyed senontas, or to a muleteer in his picturesque costwne.''-Liuerpoot Po1·c11pm0. . . " The completeness of the particulars supplied will mark it as a handbook for gel!ero.l use 01r the subject of 'vhich it treats. It is beautifully illustrated, and ought to be in the hands of all colllloisseurs and wine mercha.nts.''-G!ot1oostc1· Mercury. "Mr. H. Vizetelly, in this little h andbook of pleasant r eading, tells us a vast cleal 'llbout the wine so much cherished by English folks, and much besicles of interest about the country and its people.''-Windso1· Gazotta. "The r esult of Mr.' Vizetelly's investigations is au exceedingly useful and enter– taining book, in which graphic and well-executed illustrations prominently figure.''– Maidston


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