1880 American & Other Drinks by Leo Engel (second edition)


The Cocktail is quite a modern invention,and is very frequently- used asthe"proper beverage"for fishing.and other sporting parties,, although we have heard ofsome"weary sufferers" who take it in the• morning as a tonic. The Crusta is thought by some to be an. improvement on the Cocktail,and is said to have been invented by/ Santina,a celebrated Spanish caterer. To make a splendid bottle of Criterion Cocktail, use the follow-- ing ingredients;—Three-eighths ofa bottle of brandy; half a pint of water; one liqueur glass of Boker's bitters; one wine glass of plain syrup ; half a liqueur glass of Benedictine. The author has always[used this recipe in compounding the above beverage for- connoisseurs. Whiskey and Gin Cocktails in bottles may be made by using the above recipe, substituting those liquors in place of brandy. 77 CRITERION COCKTAIL.



Vse small tumbler.

Three dashes of plain syrup; two or three dashes of bitters^ (Boker's); one wine glass of brandy; one or two dashes of orange- Curagoa. Squeeze lemon peel,fill one-third full of ice,and stir withi a spoon.

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