1882 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1882)

— 50

Fill the glass with, ice; 1 wine glass of whiskey; stir up well, strain it into a sour glass; place your fruit into it, and serve.

115. ST. CROIX FIX. (Use a large lav glass J

One-half table-spoon of sugar; J. o " 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice; One-half pony glass of pineapple syrup; One-half wine glass of water, dissolved well with a spoon; Fill up the glass with fine ice; 1 wine glass of St. Croix rum; stir up well, ornament the top with fruit and berries in season, and serve with a straw, SHEf^Y WINE SANGAREE. (Use a whiskey glass.) 1 tea-spoon of sugar, dissolved well with water ; 1 or 2 lunrps of broken ice 1 wine glass of Sherry wine stir up well with a spoon, remove the ice, grate a little nutmeg on top, and' serve. 116.

BRANDY SOUI^. ( Use a large bar glass.)


One-half table-spoon of sugar; 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice; 1 squirt of Syphon Selters w r ater, dissolve w r ell the sugar and lemon with a spoon Fill up the glass with ice 1 wine glass of brandy; stir up well, place the fruit into the sour glass, and strain the ingredients into it, and serve.

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