1883 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks (1976 edition)



Rub the sugar over this lemons until it bas absorbed aU the yellow pan of tbe ekins, tben put tbe Bugar into a puncb-bowl; add tbe ingrédients well togetber, pour over them tbe boiling water, stir well togetber ; add tbe rum, brandy and nutmcg ; mix tborougbly, and the puncb wiU be ready to serve. As we bave before said, it is very im portant, in roaking good puncb, tbat ail tbe ingrédients are tborougbly iocorporated ; and, to bisure success, tbe process of mixing must be diligently attended to. AIIow a quart for four persons; but tbis information must be taken cum grano saiis / for tbe capacities of persons for tbis kind of bevêrage are generally supposed to vary con- siderably. 6. Irlsh "Whiskey Ptiiich. Tbis is tbe genuineIrisb beverage. It is generally made one-tbird pure wbiskey, two-tbirds boiling water, in wbicb tbe sugar bas been dissolved. If lomon puncb, tbe rind ^ rubbed on tbe sugar, and a small proportion of juice added before tbe whiskey is poured in. Tbis beverage ongbt always to be raade witb boiling watcr, and allowed to concoct and cool for a day or two before it is put on tbe table. In tbis way, the materiala get more inteueely amalgamated than cold water and colà whiskey ever get As to tbe beautiful mutual adaptation of cold rum and cojd water, tbat is beyond ail praise, being one of Nature's most exquisite acbievements. (See " Glas- gow Tuncli^'' No. 29.) ♦ Irish whiskey ia not fit to drink until it is three year# old. Tha beat whiskey for this i nrijose is Kenahan's L.. wL'skey. 7. Cold Whiskey Punch. (For 5 party.)

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