1883 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks (1976 edition)

DEY PUNCH. 25 fy, theu omament with slices of orange, pineappîe, and berries in season, and dash with Jaraaica rum. This de» lioious beverage should be irabibed fchrougb a straw.

34. St. Charles' Punch.

(Use large bar rIosb.)

1 table-spoonful of sugar. 1 •\^e-glass of port wine. 1 pony do. brandy.


The juice of J- of a leraon. Fill tbe tumbler witb shaved ice, sbake well, and off^ ment with fruits in season, and serve with a straw

35. 69th Régiment Punch. (la earthcn mug.)

J wine-glass of Irish wbiskey. i do. do. Scotch do. 1 tea-spoonful of sugai*. 1 piece of leinon. 2 wine-glasses of hot water. This is a capital punch for a cold night.

36. Louisiana Sugar-House Punch. (Prom aredpe In the possession of Colonel T. B. Thorpe.)

To one quart of boiling syrup, taken irom the kcttles, *dd wbiskey or brandy to suit the "patient." FlavoT with the juice of sour oranges.

37. Dry Punch. (From a reclpe by Santlna, tbe celebroted Sponlsbcaterer.)

2 gallons of brandy. 1 do. water. i do. tea. 2

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