1883 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks (1976 edition)



Tlie yolks and togetlier beat With half a pint of watcr rooi-e— Mixing thom well, then gcutly pour Into tlic skillet with the \Hne, And stir it briskly ail the time. Then pour it oli' into a pitcher ; Grate n\itme£r in to make it richer. Then drink it hot, for he's a fool, Who lets suoh precious liquor cool."

124. MuJled Claret.

(A la Lord Baltown.)

For ihis recipe see No. 191.

125. Port Wiue Sangaroe

CCTse amall bttr glosa.)

wine-glass of port wine.

1 teaspoonful of sugar. FUI tumbler two-thirds with loe. Shake wcU and grate natmcg on top.

126. Sherry Sangaree,

(Use email bar glosa.)

1 wine-glasa of sherry. 1 teaspoonful of fine sugar. Fin tumbler one-third with ice, and grate nutmeg on tO'

127. Brandy Sangaree. (TJso email bar glnes.)

The brandy sangaree is made with the s.anîc ingrédients 08 the brandy toddy (see No. 133), omitting the nutmeg. Fin two-thirds full of ice, and dash about a teaspoonful of port wine, so that it wiJl fioat on top.

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