1883 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks (1976 edition)



10 four tsible-spoonfuls of moist sugar, and half a niitmeg grated. Wlien ail are -well mixed, poui* on tlie boiling aie by degrees,bcating up the mixture continually ; then pour it rapidly backward and forward from one jug to anotber, keeping one jug raised bigh above tbe other, tUl tbe ûip is smootb and fînely frothed. This is a good remedy to take at tbe commencement of a cold. i 148. Egg Flip. Put a quart of aie in a tînned saucepan -on tbe fire to boil ; in the mean time, beat up tbe yolks of four, A\àtb tbe wbites of two eggs, adding four table spoonfuls of brown sugar and a bttle uutmeg ; pour on tbe aie by degrees, beating up, so as to prevent the mixture from curdling; tben pour back and forward repeatedly from vessel to vea- sel, raising tbe band to as great a beigbt as possible— •wbicb process lîroduces tbe smootbness and fiucbing essenr tial to tbe good quality of tbe flip. Tbis is excellent for a cold, and, from its fleecy appearance, is sometimes desig- nated " a yai-d of flanuel."

149. Egg Flip.

(Anotier method.)

Beat up, in a jug, four new-laid eggs, onitting two of tbe wbites ; add balf a dozen largelumps of sugar,aiid rub tbese well in tbe eggs, pour in boiling water, about half a pint at a time, and wben tbe jug is n/iarly ffll, tbrow in two tumblers of Cognac brandy, and one «"f old Jamaîca rum.

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