1883 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks (1976 edition)



Half the quantity given here, or even less, may be madej tbifi recipe being for a party of thirty.

173, Orimean Cup, à. la "Wyndliani,

(For a party of flve.)

Thinly peel the rind of half an orange, put it into a bowl, with a table-spoonful of crushed sugai', and macerate ^vith the ladle for a minute ; then add one large wine-glass of maraschino, half one of Cognac, half one of Curaçoa. Mis well together, pour in two bottles of soda-watei*, and one of Champagne, dming which time work it up and dt/vn with the punch-Iadle, and it is ready. Half a pound of pure ice is a great improvement.

174. Tom and Jeny.

(Use poscb-bowlfor Utomlxtoro.)

5 Ibs. sugar. 12 egga. I small glass of Jamaica rum. teaspoonfui of ground cinnamou. ( do. do. cloves. ^ do. do allspice.

Beat the whites of the egga to a stifF froth, and the yolks until they are as thin as water, then mix togetliei and add the spice and rum, thicken with sugar until the mixture attalns the consistence of a llght batter. To deal oui Tom and Jen'y to customers : Take a small bar glass, and to one table-spoonful of the •bove mixture, add one wine-glass of brandy, and fiU the glass with boiliug Avater, grate a little niitmeg or top. Adepts flt the bar, in serving Tom and Jerry, sometiinea adopt a mixture of ^ brandy, ^ Jamaica rum, and ^ Santa Cruz rum, insiead of brandy plaiu. Tins compomid is

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