1883 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks (1976 edition)



266. Wedding' Punch.

Jake ^ pint pineapple juice. 1 do. lemon jviice. 1 do. lemon syrup.

1 bottle claret or poi*t wine. ^ Ib. sugar. ^ lîint boiling water. 6 gi'ains vauilla. 1 grain ambergiia. 1 pint sti'ong brandy.

Rub tbe vauilla and ambergiis -with the uugar in tbe brandy thorongbly; let it stand in a corked bottle for a few bourSj sbalcing occasionally. Tlien add tlie lemon juice, pineapple juice and wine jfilter througb flannel, and lastly, add tbe syrup.

367. Roman Punch.

Take 1 qum't boiling syrup. 1 do. brandy. 1 do. Jamaica rum. 21 eggs. 1 lemon.

Beat the eggs to a froth with the juice of the lemon; stir in the licpors; filter through felt or close flannel, and add the sjtuxi- Bottle for use.

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