1884 The Modern Bartenders' Guide by O H Byron( paper wrap)



Ginger Wine.

3gallons water. 3 pounds sugai'. 4 ounces Jamaica ginger. Boil one hour. Strain. Add 3lemons chopped fine, and half a pint of yeast. Mix together and pour into a keg. After it hasfermen ted 1 week, draw it; it is ready for use.

Grape Wine.

Pick over carefully,thoroughly ripe grapes,freefrom stems and blemishes, press out the juice; to one quart of juice add one quart of water,(soft, boiled water is best,) add li pounds sugar. After it is donefermenting, bung uj)tight. It will be ready to draw off in 3 months or sooner, but will be a far better wine in a year, if left unmolested until then.

Parsnip Wine.

18 pounds of sweet parsnips. 3gallons of water.

Boil together soft, press liquor through a sieve, add to each gill 3 pounds loaf sugar; when nearly cold add yeast. Let the wine stand open ten days, stirring from the bottom, several times each day. Then xiut it in a cask, and Iceep it full up to the bung with liquor reserved for that pui-pose, as it works out.

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