1884 The Modern Bartenders' Guide by O H Byron( paper wrap)
1 drachm cardamom seeds. 1 drachm grated nutmeg. 5 gallons blackberries. Mash the berries, pour on 5 gallons water, beat all to a boiling point but do not let it boil. Add galls, whitesyrup; pourall into a10gallon keg, keep in a warm place, keep keg full, and after ferment ing, strain and press, add one gallon nenti'al spu-its, filter or fine all, and when cleai-, bottle, and you will have the best.
Black Currant Wine.
5 gallons black currants. 6 gallons water. 10 pounds crushed sugai-. Dissolve sugai- in the water. Heat all to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Pour into a 10-gallon keg, put in a warm place, keep it constantly full. After fermenting, straui and press; add one gallon spirits, 95 per cent, above proof; fine or filter, and bottle when clear.
Bottling Wines.
Never bottle on acloudy day;wines never look astrans parent as when bottled on a clear day. Never add to wine thatis too strong, unless it. has been boiled.
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