1884 The Modern Bartenders' Guide by O H Byron( paper wrap)
dompleie{landlioQ^ ofEMquetiB. This work presents, in a clear and intelligible manner, the whole art and philosophy of Etiquette. As its name implies, it is a Complete Handbook on aU matters relating to Etiquette and usagesof society. Among the contents are:
Bodily Depoetment— Punning, Position of the Body, Laughter, The Head, T^ble Talk, The Tongue, After Dinner, The Hand. Pedantry, The Manner of Speaking, Social Characters, Speak Grammatically, The Ladies, Egotism, How to Dress, Memory, Dancing, Truth, Accomplishments, CONTEESATION—
rpjjg Etiquette of Conversation,
ihe Splendid Speaker, Prudence in Conversation, Solf-Eospeet, Useful Hints for Conversation, Modesty, Good Taste, Boldness, TEe Topics of Conversation, Forwardness, Letters ofIntroduction, Diffidence, Dinner Parties, Civility, Visiting, Attention, Traveling, Largo Talk and SmaU Talk, Bridal Etiquette. Anecdote, Bound in hoards, with cloth hack. Price 50 cents. For sale hy all Booksellers, or wiQ he sent, postpaid, on receipt of price. EXCELSIOR PUBLISHING HOUSE, SO and 31 Heelcman Street, Neiv York,N.Y, p.O.i:o:i 1144.
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