1884 The Modern Bartenders' Guide by O H Byron( paper wrap)
By OUTER Bum,CM,Mfflary,ail Metlailcil Elslietr.
"Byene's Ready-Eeckoner"is the most concise,complete, and correct work ever issued. Among its contents will he found Tables arranged to show values from one-sixteenth of a cent etieh upwards; Tables of Board, Scantling, and Plank Measure; Logs reduced to Bo.ard Measure; Round Timber when Squared: also Spars and other Timber; Wages and Board by the Week; Interest Tables at .06 and .07 per cent from Sl.OO to S30,000; Compound Interest Tables from 1 to 35 years; Standard Weights and Meas ures; Gold and Silver Coins of the United States; Value of Foreign Coins as fixed by the Laws of the United States; Foreign measures of Length compared with American; "How Interest Eats"; Laws of each State and Territory regarding Rates of In terest and Penalties for Usury; Statutes of Limitations in the several States and Territories, etc., etc. All Comprised in one volume18mo,ofISO paprrs, bound in illustrated board covers,extra clotli bacit, title in gold. Price 35 cents. ' For sale by all Booksellers, or will be sent, postpaid, on re ceipt of ijriee. EXGELSIOE PUBUSHIHG HOUSE, 29 ABD 31 Beekmah Street, New York, N. Y. P.O.Box 1144.
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