1884 The Modern Bartenders' Guide by O H Byron( paper wrap)

"EXCELSIOR" Series*of*^ecitatioi]s



The great demand for ketv readings, suitable for Recita tions,andthefrequentand earnestsolicitations of our patrons, are the inducements thatled to theidea of getting up a new series under the management of a gentleman who has made the wants of the people in this line a study for years, and understandsthecharacter of Recitations and Readingsneeded. Some persons may think that books of a similar charac ter have been sufhciently multiplied, but in answer to this it may with propriety be remarked, that the best evidence that such publications are needed is the steady increase of appli cationsfor books of this claso. Each and every number of "Excelsior" Series will con tain about 176 pages, bound in a beautiful illustrated cover, printed in colors, and sold at tho remarkably low price of 25 cents each. Nos. 1, 2, and 3are now ready. For sale by all Booksellers, or will bo sent, postpaid, on teceipt of price. EXCELSIOR PUBLISHING HOUSE, 29and 31 Beekman Street, New York,N. Y. P. O. Box 1144.

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